Healthy eating is the cause of nervous breakdowns

Nowadays, more and more people are starting to think about a healthy lifestyle and, in particular, healthy eating. However, as it turns out, sometimes the desire for a healthy lifestyle can develop into addiction and cause nervous breakdowns and other problems.

One of these addictions is orthorexia, a disease in which a person eats exclusively healthy foods. Orthorexics exclude from their diet foods containing artificial colors, flavor enhancers, GMOs, preservatives, pesticides, unhealthy fats, large amounts of sugar and salt. They try to eat only organic vegetables and fruits, wash them thoroughly, and do not eat anything that was not prepared by themselves.

However, while healthy eating is an important part of a healthy lifestyle, orthorexia can lead to serious problems. Dependence on healthy food, according to scientists, can lead to nervous breakdowns and gastroenterological disorders. Therefore, if you suffer from orthorexia, it is important to seek professional help.

Nutritionists believe that orthorexia is a new disease of modern society, along with other addictions such as muscle dysmorphia (passion for bodybuilding). And while healthy eating is an important element of a healthy lifestyle, it is important to remember that everything should be in moderation and moderation is the key to health and happiness.