How did the stars lose weight after the holidays?

Doctors warn that in extreme cold it is better not to get carried away with diets. The body is already under stress; there is no need to burden it with hunger strikes. But when it gets warmer, stellar experience may well come in handy.

Ani Lorak, in order to lose weight, focuses not on nutrition, but on physical activity. And nutritionists support the star - any diet is ineffective if it is not supplemented with exercise. The golden rule - eat less and move more - works almost flawlessly. If you want to achieve the best possible results, it also makes sense to review your diet.

To lose weight, choreographer Amador Lopez adheres to the following diet: cheese and eggs for breakfast, fish or meat with plenty of vegetables for lunch, and fruit for dinner. Gaitana gets down to business much tougher. The singer excludes everything from her diet for several days, with the exception of buckwheat porridge, cabbage salad, water and kefir. In addition, the girl noted that she loses a lot of weight by eating pineapples.

But Valeria, in an interview with TSN. Special” admitted that she has practically no problems with losing weight. Since the age of 17, the singer’s weight has remained unchanged: 52-55 kg with a height of 170 cm. She does not use any special techniques, and urges fans not to buy into her star name. For health, Valeria arranges a fasting day once a week, on which she eats 6 carrots and 6 cucumbers. Thus, without being hungry and effectively, you can lose up to 700 grams. In addition, the star has been practicing yoga for many years and does not eat in the evenings. Even after an evening concert, the most Valeria allows herself is to drink half a glass of kefir.

The singer’s husband, Yosif Prigozhin, is another matter. He was less fortunate with his weight. As soon as you allow yourself too much, the kilograms add on, and the spouse begins to nag. By the way, not without success. Valeria's husband fulfilled his promise to lose weight during the New Year holidays. To this end, the couple ate only two times a day (morning and lunch), and instead of dinner, the stars went in for sports.