How Irina Dubtsova lost weight: secrets of the star diet

Irina Dubtsova, a popular singer and composer, managed to lose 18 kilograms after giving birth and regain her previous shape. In this article we will tell you how the celebrity managed to lose weight and what weight loss methods she used.

Irina Dubtsova is one of the most beautiful women in Russia. However, after the birth of the child, her figure changed, and she began to experience serious complexes. Her ex-husband and child's father, Roman Chernitsyn, left her because of this. This was a huge blow for Irina, and she decided that it was time to change and lose weight.

At the beginning of her journey to losing weight, Irina Dubtsova used low-calorie diets that promised quick results. However, this led to depression and frequent breakdowns. Therefore, the singer decided to find a different path for herself. She decided to go under the surgeon's knife and have liposuction to quickly regain her previous shape. However, Irina understood that without proper nutrition the result could not be maintained.

Thus, Irina Dubtsova began to follow a salt-free diet. Her diet includes vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, dairy products, some cereals (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown rice). You can also eat 200 grams of wheat bread per day. Food should be without salt, but herbs and seasonings can be used. Fast food, sweet soda and processed foods are completely excluded.

With this diet, you need to eat 4-6 times a day, the portion should not be larger than the palm of your hand. In the morning it is preferable to eat oatmeal or cottage cheese, for lunch - vegetable soup and meat (or fish), for dinner - fermented milk products or vegetables. You can eat fruit as a snack.

According to Irina Dubtsova, with this diet you can lose up to 13 kilograms of excess weight in a month. In addition, such a proper diet becomes a habit, and then it is easy to maintain weight. However, after finishing the diet, salt will appear in the diet from time to time, but it is very important to try not to consume it in large quantities.

Thus, Irina Dubtsova was able to lose weight and regain her previous shape thanks to a combination of liposuction and proper nutrition. Her weight loss methods can be useful for anyone who wants to lose weight without compromising their health. However, before starting any diet or changing your diet, you should consult your doctor. Each body is individual, and what is suitable for one person may not be effective enough or even harmful for another. Therefore, it is important to find your optimal path to a healthy and beautiful body.