How to drink water correctly

Everyone knows that you need to drink water to maintain the body’s water balance. But few people understand how to properly consume this vital fluid.

Ten tips on how to learn to drink more water

What kind of water to drink

City dwellers have little choice: we often drink either tap water or bottled water. It is no secret that tap water undergoes a disinfection process with chlorine ions, which has a detrimental effect on the cells of our body. You have to filter tap water, as a result of which it is deprived of all salts and becomes “dead”.

There is also a risk that the bottle contains filtered tap water instead of artesian water. To minimize unpleasant consequences, experts recommend choosing the optimal water filter at home and drinking high-quality bottled water outside the home.

When to drink water

Doctors and nutritionists recommend starting the morning with a glass of water at room temperature. It is important that it does not infuse overnight in a glass - then the water loses its healing properties.

In order to lose weight, it is better to drink it before meals. If you want to gain weight, it is better after eating. If the weight category suits you, then you can drink water during meals.

In order to start the processes of cleansing the body, the water should be slightly cooler than body temperature.

How much water should you drink

Expert opinions mostly agree on the version of two to three sips in 10–15 minutes. It is recommended to drink two to three liters of water per day. If this physical norm brings discomfort, you should listen to your body and under no circumstances should you force yourself with liquid. Water should be drunk a) only because of thirst and b) gradually increase the amount of water to the norm of 2-3 liters.

In our man-made world, the water norm can be easily determined by a handy gadget - a smartphone. There are many applications that will analyze your physical activity, food intake and even the weather situation, telling you how much fluid you still need to consume throughout the day. A significant advantage of such applications is that they can transform all the drinks that we drink into the appropriate amount of water. After all, one glass of juice is never equal to 1 glass of water (part of the water contained in the juice is used to digest sugar and proteins from the drink itself). Examples of such applications: Water Balance, Water Clock.

How to drink

Perhaps the most important rule when drinking water is the right thoughts. Scientists have proven that our thoughts can turn water into both ambrosia and poison.

Everyone probably knows about the need to drink enough clean water every day. However, in order for water to always benefit the body and health in general, you need to know several nuances:

  1. Not every person needs to drink the notorious 2 liters of water per day. The amount of liquid you need per day can be easily calculated using the formula: per 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight, i.e. if you weigh, for example, 60 kg, your daily intake is 1.8 liters.

  2. Most of the daily norm should be drunk in the first half of the day, a little less in the second. Before going to bed, it is better to limit your fluid intake. This is especially true for people with kidney and heart diseases.

  3. You should drink in equal parts and gradually increase the amount of water per day. If you haven’t drunk 2 liters before, you shouldn’t try to drink them on the first day. Start with a small amount and listen to your body - you should be comfortable.

  4. It is very important to drink 1-2 glasses of clean water immediately after waking up. The body becomes dehydrated overnight, so it is imperative to replenish its fluid reserves.

  5. Every cup of coffee or strong tea you drink should be compensated with a glass of water.

  6. Warm water is quickly absorbed, so it quickly quenches thirst. Cold water is good as a diuretic.

  7. Nutritionists disagree on whether it is right or wrong to wash down food with water. Some are of the opinion that this is harmful because water dilutes the gastric juices needed to digest food. Other nutritionists believe that water with food is contraindicated for people with low acidity, but for everyone else there will be no significant difference.

  8. Regarding drinking water during training. Experts recommend drinking 150 ml of water every 20 minutes (which is exactly the volume of disposable plastic cups in coolers) if you are doing a high-intensity workout (for example, strength training with heavy weights). If this is not done, the blood will thicken, which will put a greater strain on the heart. In all other cases, you don’t have to drink during training. But be sure to drink water after.