How to eat properly during PMS?

How to eat properly during PMS

For most women, the onset of menstruation is accompanied by various unpleasant symptoms, such as mood swings, irritability, and increased breast sensitivity. To alleviate these symptoms, it is recommended to follow a certain diet during premenstrual syndrome.

First, start the day right with a healthy breakfast, including dairy products, cereals and fruits. Try to limit your salt and sugar intake and cook your food at home. The diet should consist of cereals, vegetables, fruits and lean meats. Avoid alcohol, coffee and soda.

Secondly, eat foods rich in calcium, such as dairy products, fish, nuts, combined with vitamin D from vegetable oil and egg yolks.

Third, take additional vitamin B6 (100 mg) and magnesium (500-600 mg) to improve your mood and reduce appetite. The ideal option is a vitamin-mineral complex.

By following a similar diet and including useful supplements, you can significantly alleviate the course of premenstrual syndrome and avoid many unpleasant symptoms.