How to keep your spine healthy?

We usually turn to doctors with already pressing problems, and it is not surprising that doctors solve them. During an appointment, the doctor does not have time to be distracted and explain to patients how they should behave in order to avoid trouble. I WANT ready to take on this function. Follow our recommendations, and you won't need to visit orthopedic surgeons.

Never suddenly jump up from a lying position to a sitting position after sleep. First, turn over on your side, lean on your hand and slowly rise up.

When bending over, bend your knees slightly, trying to keep your back straight as much as possible.

Do not lean over the sink while brushing your teeth; half-slopes for the spine are the most serious test.

Shoes should be put on from a sitting position, trying not to bend the spine, but to lift and straighten the leg. As a last resort, you can put on your shoes with your foot resting on a chair, and never while standing on one leg. When going down stairs, step on your toes, not your heels.

When washing floors, it is better to use a mop with a long handle, and if this is not possible, squat down. You can wash the floor on your knees, but it is extremely important to put something soft under them.

Sharp landings on a chair or sofa are fraught with the destruction of intervertebral discs and, as a result, lower back pain. During the day, try to change your body position every 30-45 minutes. When you stay in one position for a longer period of time, the back muscles spasm, become hard, and the pressure on the intervertebral discs increases, which can also cause back pain.