How to properly strengthen your immune system?

The immune system is the body's shield against harmful influences. She knows how to adapt to everything, but there are many factors that weaken her, opening loopholes for illness. A certain group of antibodies is inherited (placental immunity), but the strength of our protective system largely depends on our lifestyle.

Who is at risk?

As a rule, immunity drops sharply under severe stress and heavy workload, so dangerous or nervous work is a rather serious factor. As well as bad ecology. Support is needed for an organism weakened after surgery or taking antibiotics. Weak immunity in newborns and the elderly. And of course, the fierce enemies of the immune system are bad habits: smoking, alcohol abuse, improper daily routine.

Warned? Armed!

What signs indicate that the immune system is weakened? First of all, it is weakness, fatigue, poor condition of the skin, hair and nails. Frequent colds and allergic reactions, as well as regular complications of chronic diseases, clearly signal failures. A very characteristic sign is the appearance of herpes on the lips. Sepsis, dysbacteriosis, enlarged lymph nodes are indications for immunological examinations. The doctor will prescribe the correct methods of immunocorrection.

We will strengthen ourselves

So-called adaptogens are substances that have a tonic and stimulating effect. The most famous of them are Eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass and aralia. They are generally safe, but it is better to take them no more than once a day and preferably in the morning.

Hardening procedures should not become additional stress for the body. Therefore, no sudden movements like dousing with cold water! Try wiping with a damp towel, gradually lowering the temperature of the water with which you wet it. Also start a contrast shower with small temperature changes (no more than 8 degrees), gradually increasing the difference to 15 degrees. Alternate between warm and cool water, ending with cool water. 2-3 minutes of this procedure once a day is enough, in the morning, not at night. Remember that contrast showers are contraindicated for hypertensive patients, heart patients, as well as for any inflammation and exacerbation of chronic ailments.

If you want to be healthy, toughen up!

Grapefruit is a real vitamin treasure. Just one fruit provides the body with a daily dose of vitamin C. When the immune system is weakened, grapefruit aromatic baths are very useful. Finely chop the pulp of one fruit and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Leave for an hour, strain. Add this infusion to the water while taking a bath. You can replace fresh pulp with 4-6 drops of pharmaceutical essential oil.

Rosehip contains most of the vitamin alphabet: C, E, P, A, K, B vitamins. It effectively prevents the development of inflammatory processes and helps destroy harmful bacteria. At the same time it tones. Rosehip infusion: pour 100 g of fruit into 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 12 hours. Drink half a glass chilled twice a day. This delicious drink significantly increases stamina and disease resistance!

Raspberries have long been used to treat colds, flu, fever and neuralgia. She is a recognized champion among antipyretics and diaphoretics, and is also harmless. Raspberry berries are very useful for stress; they help overcome fatigue and insomnia. And thanks to the high content of folic acid, it strengthens the immune system. Raspberry juice: 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dry berries into a glass of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Leave for 2 hours, strain and drink one glass 2 times a day.

Blueberries are used as a general strengthening, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory agent; they are also good for normalizing the functioning of the digestive tract. In addition to berries, leaves and even stems are useful. Decoction of leaves and