How to protect women's health

Women's health is a very fragile thing, it is much easier to preserve it than to restore it. Following a few simple rules will help you avoid many diseases, and will also prolong your youth and health.

Safe sex – anytime, anywhere.
If you do not have a regular partner, be sure to carry condoms with you in your purse, and you will never find yourself in an uncomfortable situation. There is no need to be a snob on this sensitive issue - this will help you avoid unplanned pregnancy and subsequently abortion. Which, in turn, are fraught with many diseases - including infertility. In addition, condoms are reliable protection against many sexually transmitted diseases. If you have a regular partner, do not forget to periodically get tested together and choose the ideal method of contraception for yourself.

Don't forget about the benefits of sleep.
Career, family, girlfriends, cinema - there are more and more options for spending your leisure time, but less and less time to sleep. However, healthy sleep will help you avoid stress and menstrual irregularities. It was also proved by experiment that the hormone melatonin, which is responsible for our circadian rhythms, is produced much better in those who go to bed before 11 pm.

Watch your diet and weight. Sudden weight loss is no less harmful to women's health than excess weight. Do not get carried away with diets, it is better to maintain the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and play sports - it promotes the production of somatotropin, the hormone of youth.

Put an end to bad habits.
Alcohol can cause unprotected sexual intercourse, smoking contributes to ectopic pregnancy, and both habits can cause disruptions in the cycle. Quite good reasons to finally say goodbye to cigarettes and limit yourself to drinking alcohol.

Maybe it's better to wait a little?
The risk of developing cervical cancer is ten times higher for those who began their sexual life before the age of 18. By learning this information in time, many girls will be able to avoid problems in the future. You can help your sisters, nieces, and daughters with this simply by having a careful conversation or simply dropping off a brochure with this information.

Protect your body.
To the delight of doctors, high-waisted trousers and skirts, as well as thick tights, have come back into fashion. Doctors are not happy for nothing - by avoiding hypothermia, you avoid inflammation. Which, in turn, helps to avoid problems such as ovarian cysts. Dress warmly and wear cotton underwear - fortunately, the stores have a huge selection for every taste.

Make love.
Regular sex is the basis of women's health. This will help you cope with stress, as well as improve your sleep and help balance hormone levels.

Visit your doctor regularly.
Minimum – twice a year, as well as for any pain or complaints. By noticing a problem in time, you can always avoid a bigger one. Also, don’t forget to get tested for STDs and check your hormonal levels. Ask your gynecologist to give you training on self-examination for breast lumps - and spend a couple of minutes on this once a week. Ask your doctor as many questions as possible - it is the lack of information that causes most illnesses.

Love yourself.