How to relieve nervous tension?

Aromatic oils can help with fatigue and relieve feelings of tension and anxiety.

A mixture of ylang-ylang, ravintsara and lemon verbena oils (1 ml of each oil) relieves anxiety. Apply 3 drops of oil to the solar plexus or wrists 3 times a day. The procedure is repeated if necessary. You can apply the mixture twice a day. In this case, take 6 drops of the mixture and rub them along the spine.

For exhaustion and overwork, mix half a coffee spoon of sandalwood, grapefruit, lemon and grape seed oils. Add a coffee spoon of lavender oil. You can use the mixture for massage 1 – 2 times a week. As a scent for making homemade soap or as a base for eau de toilette.

Another recipe that stimulates the immune system wouldn’t hurt either. Mix two drops of rosewood oil with two drops of thyme oil and add one drop each of elemi and oregano. This aroma mixture is used to take a 15-20 minute evening bath.

Author: Maria Lukina