How to pump up thin legs?

Skinny legs are simply unacceptable for a self-respecting bodybuilder. Therefore, if you seriously decide to take up bodybuilding, don’t waste a single day, immediately start “pumping up” your legs. This will be the best start to your athletic career. After all, well-developed lower limbs, as you know, are the foundation of an athlete’s entire body. Without strong, powerful and voluminous legs, you will not have strong, powerful and voluminous arms - this is a fact that has long been proven by leading experts in sports medicine. Therefore, do not under any circumstances ignore the lower half of your body, but on the contrary, devote maximum of your time to it.

How to pump up thin legs?

She, like a locomotive, will stretch your upper half, even if she has some obvious problems - for example, skinny arms, narrow shoulders, thin bones and others...

A couple of tips will help you understand how to pump up thin legs:

  1. Take your training seriously, if you have already come to the gym, then work to the fullest. Always think about what you are doing, make timely changes to your complex, and success will come.
  2. From the first lesson, develop the correct technique, it will protect you from injuries and help you achieve your goal easier. The best technique for beginners is the pyramid principle, where exercises begin with a light warm-up set, and with each subsequent set the weight increases. This technique guarantees an increase in mass and strength for thin legs.
  1. Bench press. It is better to place your feet approximately shoulder-width apart, with your toes straight forward. Perform repetitions without stopping, without stopping at the top point. This movement loads the lateral parts of the quadriceps well and prepares them for the main exercise of the complex.
  2. Squats. Pre-fatigue of the muscles after the first exercise allows you to pump up the total mass of the thigh muscles as efficiently as possible with light weights, that is, safely and with the correct technique. You can place small pancakes under your heels, this will increase the load on the front surface of the quadriceps.
  3. Lying leg curls. The main thing in this movement is a leisurely rhythm without jerks, but at full amplitude and with constant muscle tension, without pauses or delays at the upper and lower points of the amplitude. The exercise develops the biceps femoris muscle.
  4. Standing calf raises. In order for lean calf muscles to constantly grow, put them in unusual conditions. It will take some pretty heavy weights and a lot of patience to pump up your calves. Select the height of the bar for the exercise so that your heels do not touch the floor at the lowest point. Raise and lower through your full range of motion, achieving a full stretch and contraction of your calves. In the middle of the movement, pause for a second so that your muscles hum with tension. Massive calves always come only through difficulties.

For each exercise, spend 4-5 sets of 15-18 repetitions in the first set and 6-8 in the last set.