How to pump up the inner pectoral muscles?

When communicating with bodybuilders, you can hear very different opinions about the isolated work of individual parts of the same muscle. Someone rightly notes that theoretically this is only possible in the case when different muscle bundles perform different functions (and indeed, this is how we pump the deltas - swings in different projections). But what about other muscle groups, where the functions are not as clearly and definitely expressed as in the deltas?

From this point of view, the prospect of specifically pumping up, for example, the lower abs or the inner part of the pectoral muscles is absolute nonsense. But at the same time, there are practitioners who demonstrate the opposite by their own example. It turns out this is still possible?! Most likely, the real contradiction in the issue of working out the chest with an emphasis on its middle is not so great...

In fact, even without having any specific properties, all chest exercises differ in the degree of overall load, and even with the same training programs, the response may differ among different athletes. Naturally, the more developed the pectoral muscles as a whole, the better each area is drawn individually. That is why you need to ask the question of how to pump up the inner part of the pectoral muscles only after achieving some impressive initial results. After all, if the target muscle is small and weak, then there is no need to talk about some of its parts. Why is it that not everyone gets a decent result in this matter?

How to pump up the middle of the pectoral muscles?

And yet, I would like to draw attention to three exercises, the positive effect of which on the appearance of the inner chest area is noted by the majority of experienced athletes.

1. Lying flyes with dumbbells on a horizontal bench.

Lying dumbbell flyes

A good exercise, but dangerous for the shoulder joints (if you turn your elbows forward at the bottom of the movement). They need to “look” at the floor and be slightly bent. It is better to straighten your arms at the top and bring the dumbbells to touch each other.

The rotation variation has no proven disadvantages or advantages. Choose for yourself the method in which you personally feel the breasts better. To protect your shoulder joints, it is recommended to lift no more than 15% of your maximum bench press weight.

2. Pullovers in the simulator or with a dumbbell on straight arms.

Bringing your hands together on a crossover.

The trajectory of the arms during this exercise resembles the movement of butterfly swimming. All joints should be motionless except the shoulder. There is no need to bend your elbows from the beginning to the end of the approach.

You also need to understand that by tilting your arms below 15°-20° from the vertical in the initial position, you deprive your lats of a significant amount of work.

How to pump up the inner part of the pectoral muscles with the help of pullovers, if this exercise was originally invented to train a different muscle group? The secret is an extreme stretch of the chest that other exercises cannot achieve. And where it stretches well, it contracts stronger.

3. Bringing your hands together on a crossover from the top block.

The inner chest area changes the entire image of an athlete.

An ideal exercise for “finishing off” the chest. The movements are the same as for lying flyes with dumbbells. It is believed that the lower the inclination of the body, the more noticeable the load on the upper chest; accordingly, the smaller it is, the more the load moves downward. Plus or minus 70° and one leg forward for stability is just right for our purposes.

Movement of the arms ─ in front of you and down. During the extension, the elbows should look back and slightly upward, the hands should be slightly tucked outward. Straightening your arms, you seem to push off the holders with your shoulders.

You can achieve maximum contraction amplitude in the chest area only with a straight back and shoulder blades brought together. The chest should be turned out.

When mixing, it is important not to help yourself with triceps force. When you do everything correctly, the brushes describe a semicircle. You need to spread your arms no more than to shoulder level.

As already mentioned, it is better to do the crossover after several basic exercises, since it itself is an isolating exercise.