How to pump up your lower back?

Athletes who want to keep their muscles toned must maintain a high intensity of their training at all times.

How to pump up your lower back?

If your goal is also to increase muscle mass, in addition to high intensity, a constant increase in working weight is required. With every new kilogram on the barbell, your muscle growth and strength also increases. Today we will talk about lower back training. This is one of the most impressive and powerful muscles in our body, which, in addition to making us more masculine, performs the most important tasks, so pumping it correctly is simply vital and important.

The first stage in the formation of a massive lower back.

The back, of course, is a kind of frame for our entire body. There are many muscle plexuses on the back, so you need to divide it into several areas: lower, middle and upper. Today we will talk about working out its most important component - the lower part, which consists of the iliocostal and long muscle groups. These muscles are very important, as they are responsible for flexion and extension of the spine when bending. The muscles of the lower back are located along the spine, closer to the lumbar region. Of course, the development of these muscles does not look as impressive as pumped up biceps, for example. But it’s not always about beauty: the lower third is of very great functional importance for our body. It is this group of muscles that is responsible for a person’s straight posture, stabilizes and keeps the entire body in a harmonious, balanced position. In turn, correct posture is the key to health and correct technique for performing almost all fitness and bodybuilding exercises, and indeed sports in general...

We train the lower back - Deadlift.

The best exercises for developing these muscle groups are hyperesthesia and deadlift. Now we will give an example of a training program that will allow you to correctly focus the load and understand how to pump up your lower back. You can use it in its pure form or modify it for yourself...

An approximate lower back workout routine:

  1. The first exercise in our program will be the deadlift. There are many techniques for doing it. The main factor is a straight spine, squeezed shoulder blades and straight arms. Grasp the barbell with a palms-down grip at shoulder distance. Bend slightly at the top of the barbell lift. At the lowest point, the back should also remain flat. When lifting the barbell, we exhale sharply, and when we lower it, we inhale smoothly.
  2. The second and one of the most important exercises for working on the target group is hyperesthesia. It is better to include hyperesthesia in every workout, then the effect will be much stronger. Beginners are advised to perform hyperesthesia with their own weight. Once your spinal foundation is strengthened, you can take on additional weight. The easiest way is to take the weights from the barbell and place them behind your head. The main rule when performing the exercise in question is to use the maximum amplitude of work of all muscles. As we raise our torso, we exhale, and as we lower it, we inhale.
  3. As an alternative to the deadlift, a similar movement on the lower block can be used. Sit on the saddle, rest your feet on the footrest, grab the handle of the exercise machine at the level of your feet - it can be a wide crossbar, a narrow double handle or ropes with balls at the end. Without bending your arms or helping with your lats, just use your lower muscles to straighten up while exhaling sharply, then inhaling smoothly and return to the starting position...

  4. Hyperextension to strengthen long muscles.

    Another exercise for this muscle group is the pull-down of the lower block in a standing position. In order to perform this exercise correctly, you need to stand with your back to the lower block, put your hands between your legs and grab the rope. You must move away from the machine with the rope in your hands so that it is under tension. By bending your knees slightly and straightening your arms, you do flexion and extension. In this exercise, the main factor is straight arms; you absolutely cannot bend them, otherwise the load will go from the lower back to the biceps and other muscle groups.

Repeat these exercises at least 2-3 times a week, and you will pump up the foundation of your spine, which is so necessary for a bodybuilder, very quickly and effectively.