Caloric Oxygen Equivalent

The caloric equivalent of oxygen is the amount of energy that is released when the body consumes 1 liter of oxygen. The caloric equivalent of oxygen depends on the relative content of fat, protein and carbohydrates in food.

The caloric equivalent of oxygen is used in indirect calorimetry - a method of determining the body's heat production by measuring its oxygen consumption. When burning 1 g of fat, 9.3 kcal of energy is released, 1 g of protein - 4.1 kcal, 1 g of carbohydrates - 4.1 kcal. Knowing the caloric equivalent of oxygen for a specific type of food and measuring the volume of oxygen consumed by a person, you can calculate the amount of energy generated by him. Thus, the caloric equivalent of oxygen allows us to indirectly determine the level of energy consumption of the body.

Caloric oxygen equivalents (COE) are the amount of energy that the body receives when consuming a certain amount of oxygen. This indicator depends on the composition of the food and can be used to estimate the calorie content of food.

The obvious benefit is that the caloric equivalent can serve as a basis for expanding the restaurant's product portfolio. For example