Knock out insomnia? Easily!

One of the classics said: life is a dream. The opposite is also true: sleep is life. The ability to “switch off” every night is more important to a person than food and water. And therefore, in the Middle Ages, the most sophisticated and unbearable torture was staying awake for many days: a person was not allowed to sleep, and he went crazy every day. The result of such inquisitorial torture was death. Sleep is life!

Most of us react quite painfully to even a slight lack of sleep of one or two hours, and if it becomes chronic... A constant lack of healthy sleep leads to the destruction of the immune system, a decrease in intelligence, and the nervous system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract suffer from lack of sleep. Even our appearance directly depends on how and how much we sleep. Unhealthy complexion and wrinkles are a common phenomenon that is the result of a sleepless night.

A direct connection between the tendency to obesity and sleep disorders has also been proven. Scientists say that growth hormone, which regulates the distribution of fat in the body, is synthesized mainly during sleep, so the chances of maintaining slimness for many years are much higher for those who do not neglect their sleep.

Agree, the statistics are eloquent: those who sleep 4 hours a day have a 74% higher risk of acquiring extra pounds than those who regularly travel in the kingdom of Morpheus for 7-9 hours. If a person rests for 5 hours, then there is a 50% chance of gaining weight, with a 6-hour rest – 23%.

However, not everything is so bad. According to recent studies, the mortality rate among people who sleep 6-7 hours a day is lower than among others.

Yes, these are average statistics. Everyone’s needs are individual: for some, 4 hours of sleep is enough, while others feel sleep deprived even after 10 hours. You need to focus, first of all, on your own feelings: if you woke up with a fresh head and without an alarm clock, it means you got enough sleep. If you are plagued by lethargy and a feeling of fatigue throughout the day, if you are distracted and cannot concentrate, if you experience passivity, apathy, irritability, then you definitely did not get enough sleep. The symptoms of insomnia cannot be confused with others.

Create a dream for yourself

The most obvious remedy for lack of sleep is sleeping pills. However, the remedy is not the only one and not always the most effective. If the problem has not developed into a chronic sleep disorder, you can get by with simpler therapy.


Going to bed and getting up at the same time is the easiest way to organize your sleep. With the help of a banal regime, you can develop a kind of reflex in the body. Even on weekends, when there is a great temptation to lie in bed until noon, do not allow yourself to lie in bed for more than an hour compared to the time you get up on weekdays.

What time should you go to bed? There are different opinions. Some advise to be guided by internal sensations: as soon as the eyes begin to stick together, you can go to bed. However, the majority has a different opinion: the best sleep occurs from 11 pm to 5 am, and especially from 2 to 4 am.


You should not exercise before going to bed or watch horror films and action films - all this will excite and confuse the body, which automatically relaxes closer to the night. The only types of fitness that are not contraindicated in the evening are stretching exercises, leisurely walks and sex.

Warm shower

Exactly warm, comfortable for the body! Or better yet, not a shower, but a bath. For greater effectiveness, you can add essential oils (for example, traditionally “sleepy” ones such as geranium, lavender, rosewood oil) or aromatic salt with a relaxing effect.

Proper dinner

Overeating before bed is taboo. Try to have dinner at least 3 hours before going to bed, then the feeling of heaviness in your stomach will not distract your body from rest. It’s not worth giving up dinner at all, because the howling in the stomach is so