Method of Massage with a Broom

Bath massage with a broom - mutual massage. The person being massaged should take a lying position on his stomach with his arms extended along his body or, if steam room conditions do not allow, a sitting position. The massager takes a broom in each hand and begins to perform the massage complex.


The technique should begin from the feet, gradually moving to the head, while grabbing the arms - from the hands to the shoulders. The technique can also be carried out in the direction from the head to the feet; in this case, the lateral surfaces of the body should be beaten with brooms. All movements must be repeated 3-4 times, duration 10 minutes. At high temperatures in the steam room, the movements of the brooms should be slow, at low temperatures - faster.


The movement with brooms should begin from the back and end on the feet. Light blows are made in all directions. Duration of reception - no more than 1 minute. After quilting, you need to return to the stroking technique again. It must be performed at a faster pace than before.

Whips combined with a broom compress

This technique is basic. It should be performed from the back. The broom needs to be slightly lifted, and then given 2-3 lashes on the back. At the next stage, you need to lift the broom again and place the top, “hot” side on the areas you just massaged and press with your hand for 2-3 seconds. The same should be done on the lower back and legs.


After whipping and stroking, both brooms should be placed on the lower back, spreading them apart towards the head and feet. The technique should be repeated 4-5 times, after which the person being massaged lies on his back, and the same technique is performed on the front surface of the body.


The broom is taken in the left hand and placed on the body surface to be massaged. The leafy part of the broom is lightly pressed with the palm of your free hand, after which the rubbing technique begins. Movements should be circular. First, the back area is rubbed, then the broom is moved to the lower back and hips. The technique is also repeated on the chest, arms and legs. If the air temperature in the steam room is not very high, then its effect on the body should increase. To do this, the movement of the broom across the body is accelerated. At the end of the movement, the broom rises up. Each time you enter the steam room, the entire complex is repeated. The time of each repeated massage is reduced. At the end of the entire procedure, it is recommended to lie down for 30-60 seconds, and then get to your feet without sudden movements.

After massaging your legs, you can move on to massaging the abdominal and chest areas. The broom should move from the hips to the stomach, then to the chest and to the sides. You should make 5-7 movements, and then change their direction to horizontal (4-5 movements). Then a hand massage is performed. The arm being massaged should be raised and 4-6 movements with a broom should be performed from the hand to the shoulder.

You can massage your back and neck while sitting or lying on one side, using the stroking technique. During the second entry into the steam room, you should massage individual areas of the body, for example, the lumbar region, etc. The massage time should be reduced to 4-6 minutes.

The technique of quilting is performed in the same sequence as stroking. Areas of the body that experience greater physical stress or cause pain should be massaged more thoroughly.

By performing the massage yourself, you can adjust the strength of the whippings, and if a burning sensation occurs, transfer the technique to another part of the body. In addition, whipping with a broom is a kind of physical activity that is useful in a bathhouse for a healthy person.