Minimum fat, maximum protein - the healthiest Tofu cheese!

We classify Tofu as a cheese, although in fact it is not. It is considered the national food of Japan and is actually a soybean. cottage cheese. Its preparation process is very simple: you need soy milk and a coagulant. Nigari, citric acid or sea water and so on are suitable for coagulation. The process of curdling and clot formation occurs. Like other cheeses, Tofu is further filtered and pressed. A distinctive process is storage - hermetically sealed packages of water. After opening the package, you will have to change the water in it twice a day. And the shelf life itself should be no more than fifteen days.

There are two types of Tofu:
  1. hard – more like cheese, enriched with protein.
  2. soft - more like thick sour cream or pudding.

Tofu cheese has an unusually ancient history. Once upon a time, a Japanese cook boiled beans and salted them with nigari salt. After some time, he saw soy curds in the pan. Having tried them, he was delighted with the delicate taste and ease of preparation. Similarly to this ancient case, in our time anyone can prepare this product right at home. To do this you will need: a glass of cool water, 2 glasses of boiling water, 200 grams of soy flour and 6 dessert spoons of lemon juice. First you need to stir the flour and cool water, and then add boiling water and mix thoroughly again. After this, heat the resulting mass over the fire for 15 minutes, and then add lemon juice, mix and remove from heat. The curdling process will begin. After this, you can strain the cottage cheese through cheesecloth - the soft version of the product is ready for use.

As you can see, the process is simple and fast. If you want to get a hard type of cheese, you will have to wait until the mass is compressed and settled in water, this is what will give it hardness. In Japan, it is customary to strain this product through a cotton cloth - in this case it will be called Momen-goshi, and if filtered through silk, then it is called Kinu-goshi or Silky.

After all of the above, as you probably already guessed, our dear readers, bodybuilders and fitness beauties, this food is, of course, recommended for athletes who hate subcutaneous fat, count calories and fight for muscle definition. A minimum of fat, with an absolute maximum of protein - isn’t this what every bodybuilder dreams of? And if you also take into account the relatively cheap cost of this product, then there is no doubt about it! We recommend it without reservation! And it’s definitely worth including it in your daily diet! - here is our main verdict.

Tofu, like many similar dairy products, can be consumed either separately or as an ingredient. It can be baked or fried in oil, added to salad, sauce or puree soup (this is mainly the soft type). In Japan, it is customary to make baby food from it because of the richness of vitamins that are so necessary for growing organisms.

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