Office Fitness Rules

The modern lifestyle associated with working at a computer leads to a sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical activity. Insufficient physical activity is the cause of many diseases, muscle weakness and weight gain. However, there are several effective methods that will help maintain muscle tone during office work.

At work

  1. Try to keep your arms as close to your body as possible to relax your shoulders.
  2. Do not throw your head back sharply, but tilt it all the way so that all the muscles that support your head work.
  3. Regularly perform a light warm-up for no more than 2-3 minutes, turning your neck in different directions, straightening your legs in a chair and making circular movements with your arms bent at the elbows.
  4. Use mini-walks around the office to increase productivity, instead of asking employees questions via Skype or email.

At home

  1. Consider walking or cycling (if possible) for 20-30 minutes after work.
  2. Visit the gym at least twice a week and sign up for a swimming pool (one lesson per week is enough).
  3. Yoga is the best treatment for the spine, which does not require strenuous physical activity and will help you relax and think calmly.
  4. Replace the candy bar or sandwich with nuts, and the elevator with stairs.

By following these office fitness rules, you can significantly improve your health and lifestyle without leaving the confines of your office work. Feel free to do some light exercise in the office, it will help strengthen your muscles, improve your mood and increase your productivity at work. Remember that health is the most valuable gift you can give yourself!