Overweight or already obese? Rules for timely weight control

No matter how terrible excess weight is, obesity is worse. Obesity is already a diagnosis. You can’t cope with it yourself, and sometimes there is only one way out - to the surgeon’s table. So it’s better to learn to control your weight on time!

Excess weight is gained unnoticed. And obesity, in fact, begins gradually, with a simple set of extra pounds, expressed in small signs. You have to tell yourself “Stop!” at the very beginning, before it's too late. Everything else is difficult. The point is not only that you will have to constantly limit yourself in everything, but other serious diseases may also appear.

Learn about obesity treatment methods in advance and be horrified. There are no harmless methods. This is a shock to the body - both pills and surgeries. It's better not to let it come to this.

Determine your normal weight. There is a formula by which you can calculate the excess mass coefficient. Obesity is 45 kg of excess weight or more. No need to wait for such numbers!

Start fighting excess weight before becoming obese. Every extra kilogram disrupts the normal functioning of the body and leads to health problems.

Reasons for gaining excess weight: overeating, lack of exercise and impaired self-healing of the body.

What to do:

  1. Eat healthy and balanced
  2. Be physically active
  3. Temper yourself
  4. Avoid stress
  5. Receive positive emotions
  6. Understand that a healthy lifestyle is a thrill

Normal weight is not a dream, but a reality. Fight for it and be worthy of a beautiful figure!