Physical exercise

Physical exercise
Research has shown that exercise has beneficial effects on the heart, lungs, blood vessels and muscular system and helps prevent the development of cardiovascular disease and many forms of cancer. Exercise also helps us feel more active and energetic, and we like ourselves more. Even if you have little time left for sports, training your cardiovascular system will help you:
• cope with daily stressful situations,
• maintain normal weight,
• resist infection,
• increase self-esteem,
• improve sleep.
To maintain the tone of the cardiovascular system, it is necessary to train the heart. Try to exercise at least three times a week for 20 to 30 minutes at your optimal heart rate during exercise. This regimen is between 65 and 80 percent of your age's maximum heart rate, which should decrease as you age. The table shows the optimal heart rate during exercise for different ages.
Optimal heart rate at temperature (shock):

Age (years) – 20. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 130-160

Age (years) – 30. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 123-152

Age (years) – 40. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 117-144

Age (years) – 50. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 110-136

Age (years) – 60. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 104-128

Age (years) – 70. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 98-120

Age (years) – 80. Optimal frequency
pulse during training (beats) - 91-112

During your workout, measure your heart rate periodically to ensure you are within an acceptable range. Exercise should be long and vigorous to maintain optimal frequency. However, the approach “you can’t achieve anything without pain” is not acceptable in this case.
On the contrary, the occurrence of pain indicates that you are exercising incorrectly. Be sure to warm up before performing high-impact exercises. You should also take a break to cool down after exercise.
Try to turn ordinary daily activities into exercise. Walk quickly if possible. Use the stairs instead of the elevator. When watching TV or listening to music, sit on a cycling machine. The more fun these exercises give you, the faster they will become a habit.
If you have been inactive for a long time or have been ill, consult your doctor before starting an exercise program.