A workout plan in the gym for women, its nuances, features and differences from men’s.

The main topic of this review is the methodology and features of organizing athletic classes for girls and women. From the point of view of composition, the training plan in the gym for women is not much different from the men’s plan, read more about which here. It, like the men’s, contains the main training phases:

  1. I) Warm-up;
  2. II) Special warm-up;
  3. III) Main phase;
  4. IV) Cool down;

Therefore, we will not dwell again on these constituent elements and consider each of them in detail. Let's talk better about the fundamental features of women's training...

Athleticism has long been no longer the privilege of only the male half of the population. An increasing number of girls and women regularly and purposefully begin to engage in strength exercises to improve their physical condition and figure. And the usual excuse of many ladies - the fear of turning into Schwarzenegger or, in other words, being reincarnated as a “solid lump of muscles”, actually does not have any significant basis. The thing is that the anatomical features of the female body, especially its hormonal structure and structure, as well as appropriate training methods, actually limit muscle growth. On the other hand, strength physical training actively contributes to the qualitative development of a harmonious female figure. The volume of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the most “problem” areas is optimized: in the chest, shoulder girdle, dorsum of the shoulder, abdominal area (waist), buttocks and thighs, thus, body tissues become more elastic.

The characteristic features of women's strength training are due to unbiased anatomical differences between the male and female half of humanity.

The muscle weight of a typical woman cannot exceed 35% of the weight of the entire body, while in men it reaches 40-45%. Women's muscles are less strong than men's and have many layers of fatty tissue. Therefore, a woman's muscular strength is weaker, especially the strength of the muscles of the upper half of the body (shoulder girdle). This is why women should refrain from exercising with maximum and sub-maximum weights. It is necessary to make greater use of training methods aimed at developing and improving strength endurance, since a woman’s body can easily tolerate this kind of load.

It is also necessary to take into account the periodic changes that occur in the body in connection with the ovarian-menstrual cycle. During this period, it is necessary to exclude static exercises that increase congestion in the pelvic organs, limit exercises for the oblique muscles and abdominal muscles, as well as endurance exercises. But this does not mean that these days you should completely give up working out in the gym.

Considering the structural features of the pelvic organs and reproductive function, you should not perform so-called deep squats with impressive and extreme weights, or depth jumps. On the other hand, it is necessary to pay special attention to working out and strengthening the muscles of the abdomen and back (“muscle corset”). It is preferable to perform the exercises while sitting or lying down, so as not to overload the spine.

Strength exercises performed in combination with aerobics, flexibility and coordination exercises are considered the best for girls and adult women.

Well, our dear readers, now you know what to pay special attention to, and, having gained our knowledge, you can easily create your workout plan in the gym. Well, if you still have questions, you are welcome to ask them in the comments to this article, we will be happy to answer them.

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