Planning Weightlifting Training for Qualified Athletes

To begin further planning the load for weekly cycles and classes, it is necessary to determine the number of barbell lifts with high intensity (70% or more) in the main exercises that the athlete must perform in a given month.

It is important to understand that when planning weightlifting training for mature, skilled athletes, the maximum number of high-intensity lifts in each training cycle occurs in the last preparatory month. For example, in snatch and push exercises for athletes of the 1st category and kms, it averages 378 lifts: of which

  1. 227 barbell lifts weighing 70-79%,
  2. 106 - weighing 80-89%
  3. and 45 - weighing 90% or more.

In the previous preparatory month, the volume of high-intensity work is usually 30% less, which is approximately 265 lifts (for weight zones - 159, 74 and 32 lifts, respectively).

When the preparatory period is even longer and amounts to not 2, but 3 months, then in the first of them

  1. the volume of high-intensity load is approximately 40% less and averages 227 lifts;
  2. Of these, approximately 136 lifts (60%) are performed with a barbell weight of 70-79%
  3. and 91 lifts (40%) - weight 80-89%.

You can determine the number of barbell lifts with high intensity in the 1st preparatory month using tables (from previous articles). They indicate the volume of high-intensity load in the last preparatory month for athletes of the 1st category and kms. For example, in snatch exercises for athletes of light weight categories (see Table 2)

  1. 101 barbell lifts weighing 70-79%,
  2. 55 lifts - weight 80-89%
  3. and 26 - weighing 90% or more.

If this quantity is taken as 100%, then in the 1st preparatory month there could be on average

  1. 61 barbell lifts (60%) weighing 70-79%,
  2. 33 (60%) - weighing 80-89%
  3. and 16 (60%) weighing 90% or more.

Then (according to Tables 3 and 4) in the 1st preparatory month, the number of barbell lifts weighing 70-1 79% should be 55 and weighing 80-89% - 29; in raises from the chest - 49 and 23, respectively. The amount of work with high intensity (100% or more) in squats with a barbell and push rows is also calculated - there should be approximately 47 and 14 lifts.

In subsequent articles in this section we will continue to study planning weightlifting training for qualified athletes. You will learn a lot of interesting things, as always with examples and ready-made work schemes. Don't switch.

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