The correct posture during sleep for a bodybuilder and important aspects of the transition from one pose to another.

In our last article, we gave you a number of recommendations on the optimal choice of sleeping position and, accordingly, better recovery. All the points we voiced in that article are related to blood circulation and improving its quality. After all, it is with blood that all the necessary materials for the further construction and strengthening of the muscles of our body enter our muscles.

That is why the correct posture while a bodybuilder sleeps is by no means the least important. However, an important aspect is the process of transition from one pose to another, which will now be discussed in this article.

So, sleep positions are only one, albeit very significant, side of the process that interests us today. Another, no less significant, concerns its indirect effect on blood circulation.

After all, if in a dream, for example, a natural decrease in the intensity of blood circulation in certain parts of the vascular system is, as a rule, adaptive, physiologically appropriate (reduced need due to the slowdown in the vital activity of a resting organ), then in an athlete tired of active physical work, in principle, similar, but already Undesirable changes may arise for completely different reasons. They were mentioned at the very beginning of this section in connection with the phenomenon of the so-called vicious circle. Therefore, the leveling effect of alternating postures on circulation - both due to the constantly changing orientation of the body and its parts in space (the role of the gravity factor), and due to the alternate tension and relaxation of various muscle groups that actively contribute to the outflow of peripheral venous blood - can also serve as an argument for their used to counteract the adverse effects of fatigue.

And now let’s try once again to remember our tactics before getting out of bed in the morning, since it gives some idea about the tactics of restorative gymnastics in general. Correct, strictly gradual transition from one pose to another, most often related to it, that is, differing from it only in some elements (we will denote this, as a rule, as a rule of consistent gradualness). A smooth step-by-step restructuring of position, mainly in the same chosen direction (although at some moments a sharp change in orientation is also acceptable). Alternately involving in the work more and more new, but more often functionally or anatomically close muscle groups. Alternating tension of individual muscles with their subsequent relaxation; pressure or strain on any part of the body with its release; deflection of the spine with straightening or bending it in the opposite direction, etc.

Here we can even talk about a special form of subconscious “sensory dialogue” (a term proposed by E. Godik) between the subject and his body, during which the most comfortable position is felt that meets his internal needs at the moment. functional restructuring of the background, facilitating and accelerating the transfer of the body into a more beneficial and economical mode for it. Combining active and passive forms of rest, it can - by analogy with many different techniques and methods of intensifying physical labor - be considered as one of the few, unfortunately, means of intensifying rest.

Well, those who want to grow faster and better can be advised to add specialized sports pharmacology drugs to their diet. However, keep in mind that anabolic steroids can have a lot of negative effects on your body. Therefore, their use is possible only under the close supervision of a correct, competent doctor observing you. Remember: Like time, you only have one health. And you won’t have a second one like this - you can’t buy it for any money! So be careful with such drugs! As they say: “measure seven times...”.

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