An example of planning a weightlifter's training load for a week

Let's look at a clear example of planning a weightlifter's training load for a week. Having completed the issues of annual and monthly planning, and at the moment when the load has already been distributed over the weeks, we begin to plan classes in each of them. As an example, let’s look at planning the training load in the 2nd and 3rd weeks, the volume of which is 495 and 270 lifts (this is the maximum and minimum volume of loads in a given month).

Since the planning of the volume and intensity of the load this month is multidirectional, the total number of lifts in weekly cycles (in each of the exercises presented in the table of the previous article) will not correspond to the planned distribution of the load by week: in those of them where a large proportion of exercises with high intensity, there will be more climbs, and vice versa. At the same time, the total number of lifts in each exercise for the month as a whole will correspond to the target.

Therefore, when starting to plan classes, the content of each week is first clarified. In the 2nd week, where there should be 33% of the monthly volume of exercises, with a unidirectional distribution of the volume and intensity of the load, the following number of lifts in the exercises is possible: in snatch exercises - 99, in barbell cleans - 74, in cleans from the chest - 59, in squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest - 114, in push pulls - 25, in snatch pulls - 35 and in other exercises (press presses, bending over with a barbell, other methods of squats) - 89. In the 3rd week (18% of the monthly volume) - 54, 40, 32, 62, 14, 19 and 49 lifts, respectively. In reality (according to the table discussed earlier) in the 2nd week it is planned: in snatch exercises - 77 lifts, in cleans - 57, from the chest - 45, in squats - 104 and in push deadlifts - 21; in the 3rd week - 62, 47, 38, 65 and 15 lifts, respectively.

When distributing the load in the 2nd week, we will plan for pressing exercises - 70, for bending with a barbell - 50 and other methods of squats - 36 lifts; in the 3rd, on a push press (instead of a bench press) - 24 lifts.

In the 2nd week, the load can be distributed approximately like this: Monday - 130, Tuesday - 80, Wednesday - 120, Friday 90 and Saturday - 75 lifts. At the end of the 3rd week (Sunday), the athlete competes, so 40 lifts are planned for Sunday, and the rest should be distributed as follows: Monday - 100, Wednesday - 80 and Friday - 50 lifts. Training every other day and gradually reducing the load by Sunday will give the athlete the opportunity to successfully perform in competitions. This week's submaximal and maximal lifts are scheduled for Sunday.

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