Principles of Bodybuilding

In this section we will look at the main principles of bodybuilding and fitness, laid down in the basis of these teachings by their veteran founders: the Vader brothers and Bob Goffman, but have not lost their relevance to this day. These principles must be known, understood and applied in everyday training. every self-respecting athlete. So, let’s shake our heads, pen in hand and take notes...

  1. The principle of "cheating"
  2. Super series principle
  3. Giant set
  4. Pre-wasting muscles
  5. The principle of "rest - pause"
  6. Flushing principle
  7. Pyramid principle
  8. The principle of "Peak muscle contraction"
  9. Constant voltage principle
  10. Forced reps

The principle of "cheating"

From English the word cheating"cheating" literally translated as “deception”, “fraud”, “scam”, “violation”.

That is cheating in bodybuilding and fitness - this is performing an exercise incorrectly, with violations, “not cleanly”, using some tricks and tricks to help yourself cope with the task.

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Super series principle

This training principle is based on performing several exercises in sequence, excluding any pauses between them. In fact it's continuous approach, consisting from several component approaches for different exercises at the same pace. Typically a super series consists of two exercises. Sometimes out of three, then it has an alternative name: “triset”.

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Giant set

In the last article we already learned what it is superset or super series, why they are needed, how to use them correctly and when to use them. We also looked at various types of superset, and now we know that a superset of three exercises is called triset. Let's continue our study and move on. Having studied the previous material, a logical question may arise: “Can a super series consist of more than three exercises?”

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Pre-wasting muscles

Today I will tell you about one more extremely effective weapon in the hands of an experienced athlete - this is the Weider training principle called: "pre-muscle wasting". This technique is just a “hurricane” for your muscles. Personally, I very much regret that I learned about this principle so late, and lived in ignorance for a long time, and did everything in a completely different way from what was necessary... But now, having included it in my arsenal, I can easily overcome any "dead spots" And stagnation. The method is really worthwhile, extremely effective and efficient...

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The principle of "rest - pause"

Let's consider another training method, laid down in the foundation of the universe of fitness and bodybuilding by its main founders - Bob Goffman and the Weider brothers. Today we will study the so-called "rest-pause principle", used in everyday training by many athletes, mainly powerlifters – athletes whose training oriented not to develop endurance and build muscle mass, but Firstly, for the purchase maximum strength and, accordingly, the ability to work with huge scales in a certain set of exercises...

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Flushing principle

The current idol of bodybuilding, Joe Weider, developed one of the main training principles almost at the very beginning of his stellar career. This technical technique in his athletic system it is called: "flushing". The main essence of this technique is to use not just one exercise for training a specifically selected muscle, as was previously customary during the monopoly of weightlifting, but several sequential exercises at once. The key point of this technique is the fact that its correct application provides targeted muscle groups maximum possible blood supply.

Pyramid principle

In this article we will study in detail another technical technique that is actively used in practice. in all strength sports: from fitness to powerlifting. Its effectiveness has long been proven and time-tested. It's called - "Pyramid principle". Its scope is immensely wide, and popularity is growing exponentially every day. In addition to weightlifters, weightlifters, bodybuilders and powerlifters, it is used in everyday training even by track and field athletes, wrestlers, martial arts fans, and even the military and special services. In a word, the “pyramid principle” is gaining popularity not only among seasoned professionals, but also, of course, among lovers And newcomers "Iron Sports"...

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The principle of "Peak muscle contraction"

Consider another famous Vader principlecalled "maximum voltage" or "peak muscle contraction". This technique is a technique by which you maintain the highest level of tension in the involved muscles while they are in a state of full contraction. For example, when you do arm curls with dumbbells while standing, then, as a rule, in the upper part of the movement path you lose the feeling of resistance, “turning off” your arms with the apparatus... To compensate for this loss and achieve the effect of resistance on the maximally contracted muscle, in the final stage exercises lean forward. With this technique, your hands will never “turn off” and will always be at work.

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Constant voltage principle

In this article we will look at another effective a way to deal with dead spots and stagnation. The “principle of constant tension of the working muscle” was invented by the founder of most training methods, the father of bodybuilding, the famous Joe Weider. Like many others laws of bodybuilding, invented by this great man, this technical technique was born after long tests, observations, trials, errors and subsequent comprehensive analysis and comprehension.

Forced reps

In this article we will look at most difficult to understand a high-intensity training technique used in bodybuilding and powerlifting, and combining all the advantages of the principle of negative repetitions and the drop set technique. This technique is called - "Forced reps" (in English: “forced reps”). Unlike the “negative” technique, when performing forced repetitions, the assistance of a sparring partner in the peak concentration phase should be kept to a minimum. You can use it in general only if you are no longer able to technically correctly perform the next repetition with the selected working weight. In fact, the partner insuring you, in case of your difficulties, by his actions, seems to reduce the weight of the projectile, thereby giving you the opportunity to extend the approach.

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