
Mental hygiene: how to maintain mental health in modern life

Psychohygiene is a science that studies the conditions for maintaining and strengthening mental health, as well as developing rules of behavior that contribute to the preservation of mental health. Mental health is a state of complete mental balance, the ability to control oneself and the ability to quickly adapt to difficult situations. Impaired mental health is not equivalent to mental illness, and can be observed in practically healthy individuals.

Man as a biological species has been formed over thousands of years, and constant changes in living conditions, including the technological revolution of the 20th century, affect a person with a stream of super-strong stimuli. Under these conditions, human adaptation shifts the range of perception towards its reduction. For example, a modern city dweller does not hear as sensitively and does not see as sharply as a primitive person or even as a person living in a village. Surrounded by ultra-strong sound or light stimuli, modern man adapts to these high levels of stimulation, and his acuity of auditory and visual perceptions decreases. However, such an adaptation is not indifferent to health and requires significant mental and emotional costs. A person responds to loud noise with increased mental excitability, irritability, and sleep disturbances. For example, constant loud music in an apartment is a direct threat to the mental health of listeners.

Therefore, the state and all members of society must combat noise on the streets, at work, and at home. An excess of visual stimuli - watching television programs for many hours, moving at high speeds - creates a background of excessive mental stress. People often report that the commute to and from work tires them out more than the work itself. To avoid such overloads, it is recommended that in your free time from work you create an environment devoid of excessive irritants: peace, evening walks in the parks, limiting feasts, watching television programs, listening to the radio, relaxing on weekends in nature.

Prevention of painful mental reactions in the process of communication between people is a serious task of mental hygiene. Conflicts, neuroses, depression and other painful reactions may arise in communication. In order to avoid such problems, you must be able to control your emotions and show respect for other people. It is important to be able to express your thoughts and feelings without aggression, discuss problems and seek compromises. It is also important to be able to listen to other people, understand their position and respect their opinion.

Another important aspect of mental hygiene is physical activity. Regular participation in sports or exercise can improve mental health, reduce stress and improve your mood. It is also important to monitor proper nutrition and sleep patterns, as this directly affects mental health.

Finally, it is important to learn how to manage your time and how to relax. The modern pace of life often leaves little time for rest and entertainment, which can lead to overload and deterioration of mental health. Therefore, it is important to plan your time, be able to find time to relax and do your favorite things.

In general, mental hygiene is a set of measures and rules aimed at maintaining mental health in modern life. It is important to monitor your emotions, communicate with other people, engage in physical activity, eat right and rest. These rules will help maintain mental health and improve quality of life.


This article will focus on mental hygiene. I would like to note that in this phrase “mental health” and “gut health” are in no way connected. Rather, they are even antagonists. The first can strengthen it, and the second can cause dangerous consequences for health. Let's figure out what psychohygiene is. Since you asked me a question, you will have to think and present information in Russian.

So, psychohygiene is a set of rules and skills that help control the functioning of the psyche. In other words, this is psychotraining based on self-hypnosis and self-control in order to give oneself confidence, the ability to react to stress and emerging situations calmly, and most importantly, rationally. Some rules of psychohygiene are positive, helping to find harmony with the world and others. Others prevent the occurrence of such situations when nervous overstrain becomes dangerous to life and health. Psychohygiene and psychotherapy should not be confused, although their names often imply one process, but the process of psychotherapy has a deeper and more extensive nature. There are a number of types of psychohygney: • emotional – management of emotions; • role-playing – skills to develop, maintain, be in harmony with the role; • mental – control over the excitation of the psyche; • spiritual – self-knowledge. Of course, I can recommend many books and videos on developing psychoginesis skills, but I can advise starting with the fact that you need to communicate with other people, take up a new hobby, and also communicate with a psychologist.

I hope to help and reassure you at least a little. If you have any more questions or suggestions, be sure to contact me again!