Scientists: waist size affects life expectancy

According to a study conducted by scientists from the Mayo Clinic, waist size has a direct impact on a person's life expectancy. A wide waist can be associated with the risk of developing a variety of diseases, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.

The study analyzed the lifestyle and parameters of 600 thousand volunteers aged 20 to 83 years. The results showed that the level of health does not depend on body mass index, but depends on waist circumference. Moreover, in men with a waist circumference of more than 100 centimeters, the risk of dying doubles compared to those whose waist does not exceed 89 centimeters. And for women, the critical mark is 93 centimeters. If a woman's waist circumference exceeds this mark by 80 percent, then the risk of death almost doubles compared to those whose waist does not exceed 68.5 centimeters.

These findings suggest that the waist may be a more accurate indicator of health than body weight. In addition, every five centimeters of excess volume at the waist shortens the life of men by 7%, and women by 9%. This is due to the fact that a wide waist can lead to the development of many diseases, which, in turn, can reduce life expectancy.

To reduce your risk of disease and improve your health, experts recommend monitoring your waist size and managing your lifestyle. It is important to eat healthy and maintain an active lifestyle, including exercise and sports. This will not only reduce the risk of developing diseases, but also improve overall health and prolong life.