The healthiest foods for the winter season

Winter is a time when the body needs especially healthy foods that will help support immunity and normal functioning of organs. Nutritionists have compiled a list of the healthiest fruits and vegetables in winter.

Pumpkin is a vegetable that is rich in vitamins and fiber. It not only contains folic acid, potassium and carotene, but also does not lose its beneficial properties during heat treatment. Pumpkin is especially beneficial for people suffering from heart disease and diabetes.

Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C, which is essential for fighting respiratory infections. Blood oranges are especially recommended in winter as they contain an essential dose of fibre. In addition, citrus fruits (tangerines, oranges, grapefruits and lemons) are healthy to eat at any time of the year.

Artichokes are an unassuming type of vegetable that contain huge amounts of vitamin K, folic acid and antioxidants. You can add them to salads and even make soup from them. It is important to cook the artichokes over low heat in a large saucepan.

Cranberry is a berry that is one of the healthiest winter berries. Most often it is consumed in its natural form, since this way it retains more useful substances. Cranberries are recommended for people with bad cholesterol.

Persimmon is not the most popular fruit in our area, but it contains more phenolic compounds and fiber than the usual apples. In addition, persimmons are rich in minerals and antioxidants. It is advisable to consume it raw, and you can also make delicious puree or even cookies from persimmon by adding coconut.

Cabbage is a traditional vegetable in Russian cuisine that has anti-inflammatory properties. Cabbage can be stewed, fermented, boiled or simply eaten raw. In addition to white cabbage, nutritionists recommend including red cabbage in your diet.

Arugula is a vegetable that contains iron, calcium and vitamin K. It is often added to salads instead of regular cabbage or broccoli.

Kiwi is an exotic fruit that is not only rich in vitamin C, but also contains it in greater quantities than citrus fruits. Kiwi perfectly supports the immune system and serves as a prevention of viral diseases.

Don't forget to supplement your diet with the "right" foods during the winter to maintain your health and immunity. It is also important to drink enough water and watch your diet in general.