Top 5 fatal mistakes when working out in the gym

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It's not just calendar spring outside, so we're getting rid of excess outerwear, warm shoes and... extra pounds. Many of us have already purchased hula hoops, jump ropes, and memberships to fitness clubs and gyms. It’s the latter that we’ll talk about, because when exercising on exercise machines, women often make several mistakes that prevent them from achieving good results.

  1. Bending with weights

Many girls think that bending to the sides with dumbbells will help reduce their waist. In fact, this exercise broadens your shoulders and enlarges your waist. To achieve a feminine figure, it is better to avoid bending over with weights.

  1. Repeating the same exercises

A common mistake is to do the same exercises day after day. Muscles need rest and variety of exercise. It is better to alternate exercise machines and programs to allow the muscles to recover.

  1. Avoiding Weights

Many girls are afraid to take up dumbbells and barbells, thinking that they will make them look like men. In fact, moderate weights help you tone your muscles and burn more calories.

  1. Too much cardio

Some girls spend hours in the gym on a treadmill or exercise bike. Excessive cardio exercise is ineffective. It is better to limit cardio to 20-30 minutes and spend more time on strength training equipment.

  1. Abdominal exercises without diet

Many people hope to build beautiful abs by doing crunches and sit-ups. But without reducing the fat layer, these exercises will only strengthen the abdominal muscles, but will not make them visible. Losing weight requires diet and comprehensive training.

By following these simple recommendations, you can avoid common mistakes in the gym and achieve great results! Good luck!