Triceps. Triceps? Triceps!!!

One of the problem areas for many women is the part of the arms where the muscle called triceps, or triceps brachii, is located. Any person who does not purposefully train the triceps (and in everyday life this muscle is used much less often than the biceps), it cannot be toned, which naturally affects the shape of the arms!

When your arms are lowered, it is almost imperceptible, but as soon as you raise them, for example, to show the way or wave goodbye to someone, the triceps begin to shake treacherously, resembling a “jelly-like” mass in its appearance. Many people try to hide this deficiency by wearing clothes with sleeves below the elbow, which is not a solution to the problem.

A very effective exercise that does not take much time and does not require much space is the bent over arm extension.

First, give yourself the necessary space to perform the exercise. Now take the starting position: make a shallow lunge forward, place one hand on the thigh of the front leg (arm and leg of the same name), bend the other arm (working) at the elbow and raise it until the shoulder is parallel to the floor.

Inhale and, as you exhale, straighten your arm at the elbow joint, then, as you inhale, bend it. After performing 15-20 repetitions with one hand (the weight of the dumbbell must be appropriate), change the starting position to the opposite and continue performing, but with the other hand.

As you know, the effectiveness of execution depends on the correctness of the technique. Therefore, try to avoid possible mistakes:

  1. the elbow of the working hand goes either up or down;

  2. “turning off” the elbow in the highest position;

  3. rounding the back;

  4. large swinging amplitude, since in this case the exercise is performed by swinging the arm, and not by tensing the triceps.

Triceps stretching

In the starting position, standing, place your arm bent at the elbow behind your back, lightly pressing on your elbow with your other hand, stretching the muscles at the back of your arm.

Good luck!