Exercises for a pear figure.

A pear figure is characterized by narrow shoulders, puny arms, small breasts, a thin waist, calories “settle” on the hips, which makes them massive against the background of a small top. In fact, men find this body type attractive because it makes the butt stand out. However, the owners of pear-shaped figures themselves have a completely opposite opinion; they try in every possible way to reduce their volume below the waist and increase it above. In this article, we will give real advice on how to most effectively achieve this...

Let's not argue that removing centimeters around the hips is the hardest, because it is in this part that blood circulation is not as active as in the upper half of the body. Because of this, fat tissue is burned more slowly. By the way, nutritionists categorically do not advise pear-shaped women to go hungry. After all, the chest loses weight first, then the stomach goes down, and only then does it come to the hips. But the opposite effect is needed. And when the girl returns to her previous diet, her body will become even more massive.

To properly correct a pear-type figure, you need a balanced diet and intensive training from 40 to 50 minutes daily. Moreover, you need to act in two stages:

  1. first we remove fat deposits in the lower body,
  2. and then - build muscle mass in the upper.

Exercises for a pear shape that will help reduce the size of your hips are leg lunges and squats. As well as other leg exercises that will suit your taste:

  1. weight bending,
  2. hyperextension on the hips,
  3. deadlift on straight legs,
  4. alternately lifting each leg back up from a squatting position,
  5. and others.

The main point is that your training should be focused on drying! This means that the working weights should be small (maybe even no weight at all), and the number of repetitions per approach and the number of approaches should be large. The intensity of the session should also be high - rest minimally between sets - just to restore your breathing, and immediately return to battle. Remember: our task is to remove all excess from the lower part of the body. During classes, you can and should also pay attention to endurance exercises; cardio exercise will not be superfluous. A good workout would be on an exercise bike, treadmill or orbit track. Jumping rope and lateral leg raises are great. It is also better to perform such exercises so that several muscle groups are involved at once, this way you will achieve optimal results.

  1. We select the weights as heavy as possible so that no more than 8 repetitions are performed per set.
  2. We reduce the intensity of the lesson.
  3. We increase the pauses between approaches to 5 minutes to allow the muscles to recover.
  4. Number of approaches per session for each exercise: 3-5, no more.

At the same time, as we said earlier, there is no need to be afraid of the barbell - for the upper body of representatives of the pear shape, this is just the thing! The method of work here should be almost the same as that of male bodybuilders, follow their example. At the same time, many women are very afraid of this - they think that they will become sculpted and muscular, like the champion jocks and, accordingly, will lose their natural femininity. Don't be afraid of it! Because this is a myth. Without sports nutrition and taking anabolic steroids, you will never achieve this! Mother Nature will not allow you to do this. And even if by some miracle your muscularity somehow increases, which is very unlikely, then later, by reducing the intensity of your exercise, you will return to your previous state. So there is no need to be afraid of barbells and dumbbells with large weights - they are your friends...

Remember: our task is to gain muscle mass on top and, accordingly, additional volume, so after working on the top, be sure to eat well. The body must receive a sufficient amount of building materials to increase the volume of the upper body. But after working on your bottom, eat restrainedly, practicing a light diet - this will help even more in reducing the volume of your bottom.

Having focused your attention on nutrition, you should not forget about recovery. Here we also have a differentiated approach:

  1. High intensity is important for the bottom - therefore, the bottom can and should be pumped as often as possible, allocating a minimum of time for rest and recovery. Train every other day, or even every day if you feel that you are not tired enough. This is only a plus for you! Only regular, frequent, high-intensity training will give you a chance to reduce your bottom.
  2. Full recovery is important for the upper - so pump the upper no more than 2-3 times a week, giving approximately 2 full days for its recovery. It is very important! Otherwise, you will never get an increase in the volume of your upper body.

That's all, actually! And remember: a pear is not a curse at all! Or maybe your coolest highlight. Let your “pear” please men’s eyes, and for this in any case you need to work hard. And now you know how...Have you finished reading? And now - march to the hall!

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