Cycling and its benefits for human health.

Dear readers, as an epigraph to this article, let’s remember the golden words of the great Champion, the idol of millions of fans, the unsurpassed six-time Mr. Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger: “Regularly pumping iron in the gym, at least twice a month, and optimally once a week, add aerobic training to your training plan, during which: run, swim, play outdoor team games, move actively to switch daily monotonous work of your muscles on a completely different type and avoid them becoming addictive and complex».

When he uttered these words, what did the Great Champion mean? Let's try to explain with an example. Just imagine: You do barbell squats every week, every day. Let's assume that you have progressed very efficiently and productively in this exercise, you have massive, sculpted hips, and you are able to squat with a barbell twice your own weight. But the question is: can you jump further from a standing position than some puny guy with glasses? Most likely - unlikely! And why all? – Because your muscles get used to constant, monotonous work of the same type, and in a sense atrophy, allowing you to perform only part of the work efficiently. And they turn out to be completely unsuited to another type of physical activity.

In order to eliminate this annoying gap, you need to periodically switch the work of your muscles to a completely different rhythm and type, for example:

  1. Play football, basketball, volleyball or other ball games,
  2. Swim in a pool or natural bodies of water,
  3. Jogging around a stadium, park or health trail,
  4. Go out onto the court with a tennis racket,
  5. If possible, go horseback riding,
  6. ...and other options for active aerobic training.

Another significant advantage is that cycling takes place in the open air, in the sunshine, with a light breeze, under the singing of birds, which has an extremely positive effect on our psychological and emotional state...

But here's the question: to include regular cycling in your training schedule, you need to have the bike itself. Moreover, it is convenient, sensible and suitable for all your parameters. This is not a problem at all these days. In any small town there is a specialized bicycle store where you can easily find a suitable two-wheeled friend. There are also entire huge bicycle supermarkets that can satisfy the needs of even the most demanding cyclist. Recently, a large number of cycling Web portals and online stores have appeared, specializing exclusively in the needs of cyclists. Here, for example, is one of the famous online stores in St. Petersburg: The range of products sold is simply amazing in its breadth and scope. There are:

  1. author bicycles,
  2. track bikes,
  3. stels bikes 2013,
  4. and other famous brands.

...and I won’t even talk about spare parts, accessories and cycling equipment. In a word, everything is here! All you have to do is go in and choose the device that suits you, and the delivery service will deliver it to you right at your door in the shortest possible time. Moreover, with all the necessary documents and a warranty card. Very convenient, I recommend it!

As a competitive alternative to the above portal, any bicycles in St. Petersburg can also be purchased on the website: There is no less choice here, and there is simply a sea of ​​accessories, spare parts and cycling equipment! And there is simply not enough time to review the entire catalog of products sold...

  1. Bicycle trips,
  2. Bike excursions.

In fact, this is a combination of business and pleasure. Such events combine active recreation and sports with positive emotions and the receipt of useful information and a wide range of enjoyable experiences. Let's take a closer look at what it really is?

Bicycle trips.

A group of cyclists, taking with them everything they need, gets on their bikes and collectively makes a multi-hour (or even multi-day) bike ride along a predetermined route. Periodically stopping for rest and overnight, they amicably follow the established course. There are nightly bonfires, baked potatoes, barbecues, guitar songs, dancing and other entertainment events. In fact, a cycling foray into nature differs from a regular hike only in that all movement takes place on bikes, and, naturally, the route must be adapted for movement on two-wheeled vehicles. Here you can’t just throw yourself into the forest, like into a pool, you just need a clear, well-thought-out plan, plus the mandatory presence of a medic and a technician with all the necessary tools in case of unforeseen incidents.

Bike excursions.

Another type of cycling is bicycle excursions. Here, in fact, the same thing happens as on a bicycle trip. Only on top of everything else is a visit to interesting cultural and historical places, with the possible work of a tour guide or bicycle guide. This means that having reached the excursion site on bicycles, the group can dismount and then the cultural pastime proceeds according to the scenario of an ordinary classic walking excursion. At the same time, the bicycle equipment remains in special parking spaces under the supervision of security or people assigned to this matter - regular staff or members of the group.

As you can see, a bicycle has long ceased to be just a means of transportation. And in addition to sports, health and vigor, he is able to give us positive emotions, pleasant memories, warm impressions, joy and smiles. So at the end of our story, let us paraphrase one famous advertising line: “What, you don’t have a bicycle yet? “Then we’re coming to you!”

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