How to reduce the risk of getting thrush?

If thrush is not an empty phrase for you, but a chronic problem, it is very important to engage in constant prevention of the disease. And for those who are not familiar with the insidious disease, it would not hurt to follow simple rules that reduce the risk of contracting candidiasis.

Try not to resort to douching. During this procedure, the natural balance of all types of bacteria existing in the vagina is disrupted. Under normal conditions, the vagina is capable of self-cleaning, but if the balance of the microflora is disturbed, the intimate part of the female body becomes much more vulnerable.

Do not use scented tampons or pads. If possible, avoid intimate deodorants, as well as scented soaps, gels and shampoos. All this negatively affects the microflora, weakening it and disturbing the balance. Hygiene procedures are best carried out using regular baby soap, and it should not be overused (it is best to wash with lukewarm water, and with soap - no more than once a day). Instead of taking a bath, try taking a shower. Choose cotton underwear. Give preference to loose trousers and skirts.

If you go to the pool or like to spend time on the beach, do not stay in a wet swimsuit for a long time (do not wait for it to dry on you), change your clothes quickly. The same rule applies to workout clothing for fitness.

In your diet, give preference to vegetables and dairy products. Avoid dishes prepared with yeast, flour products and sugar.