Vertical dumbbell swings in front of you

Exercise has a strong insulating impact on anterior deltoid muscle.

  1. How to properly perform vertical dumbbell swings in front of you?
  2. Scheme of the exercise “Vertical swings of dumbbells in front of you”
  3. Option: on the block
  4. Option: one dumbbell
  5. Option: barbell

How to properly perform vertical dumbbell swings in front of you?

  1. Variants of the exercise are possible: both in a standing position and sitting.
  2. Dumbbells, weights, barbell discs, rubber, spring, and block devices are used as equipment.
  3. Starting position: We hold our hands along the side of the body or on the hips in front.
  4. We hold the projectile with an overhand grip. Hand position: grip. With the correct grip in the starting position, the outer side of the hand should face forward, and the palm and fingers should face back.
  5. As you exhale, lift the dumbbells slightly above head level.
  6. Inhaling slowly, lower your arms down to the starting position.
  7. Perform movements with both hands simultaneously or with each hand alternately.
  8. Repeat the movements cyclically.
  9. Maintain a straight, upright position.
  10. Perform cleanly - do not swing or use inertial force.

There are a wide variety of modifications to this exercise:
  1. on a horizontal or inclined bench lying with your back,
  2. lying on an inclined bench, lying with your chest,
  3. pulling the block device in front of you,
  4. swing your arms along your body in a vertical plane,
  5. swing the dumbbell, grasping it with both hands.

Scheme of the exercise “Vertical swings of dumbbells in front of you”

Option: on the block

Option: one dumbbell

Option: barbell

The following video gives you the opportunity to evaluate the performance of this exercise by famous bodybuilding stars. This material also shows other exercises for the comprehensive development of your deltoids. A very worthwhile and effective video. Everyone watch!


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