What is creatine and how to take it

Creatine and how to take it

Creatine is considered one of the most important sports supplements in the diet of an exercising person. So, it helps to gain lean muscle mass, and is absolutely safe for humans. What is creatine and why is it needed, read in our material.

Creatine is an amino acid, the derivative of which is formed in the liver, pancreas and kidneys from arginine, glycine and methionine. The body also obtains creatine from food. In particular, from animal products. The largest amount of creatine is found in red meat.

Creatine is a source of energy for muscles during physical activity. When the creatine content of the muscles is too low, the effectiveness of the training decreases because the muscles are quickly depleted, and you feel first a burning sensation, and then an all-encompassing fatigue. In addition, creatine promotes protein synthesis, speeds up metabolism and increases the overall endurance of the body.

It is believed that a training person weighing 55 kilograms needs 1.3 grams of creatine per day for effective training. To get this norm, you must eat 600 grams of red meat per day. The task is difficult, you will agree.

Interesting: creatine was discovered back in 1832 in France. In 1926, scientists were able to prove that taking creatine orally helps build muscle mass. The supplement is considered absolutely safe and is approved for use even by the International Olympic Committee.

Creatine safety

Cretin is considered one of the safest supplements. This is a natural substance that the body produces on its own every day. Studies have shown that even when taking large doses of creatine, there will be no negative consequences for the body.

The only possible side effect of taking creatine may be stomach pain and indigestion. This effect indicates poor liver function. For this reason, creatine should not be taken if you drink alcohol, which puts stress on the liver.

Which creatine to choose

Creatine is available in powder and capsule form. Most often, athletes prefer the powder version of the drug because it is cheap and effective. The only negative is that before taking it you need to dissolve it in liquid, which is not convenient for everyone. You can choose the form of creatine depending on your budget. As practice shows, there is no difference in the effectiveness of the powder and capsule versions of the supplement.

How to take creatine

The task of creatine is to get into the muscles as quickly as possible in order to perform its functions. Remember, the body takes creatine best when insulin levels in the body are at their highest. And this happens immediately after waking up, after eating something sweet and an hour after training.

As for the dosage regimen, for the first 5 days take 25 grams of creatine per day (5 grams at a time), this will dramatically increase the amount of creatine in the muscles. As a guide: 5 grams of creatine are contained in 1 teaspoon. Drink it immediately after waking up, stirring it in water if you have chosen powdered creatine for yourself. Take the remaining 4 doses 20 minutes before meals along with any sweet juice.

After the first 5 days, for another 40 days, take creatine 3-5 grams per day (1 teaspoon) 60 minutes after training or immediately after waking up.

Important: creatine, like all other amino acids, must be taken in courses. Drink creatine for 45 days, then take a break for 4 weeks. Remember, if you do not take breaks, the muscles will get used to the fact that an increased dose of amino acid is constantly entering the body and will stop responding to it.