It's easy to lose weight in summer. The season is here to help you, lose weight!

If you dream of losing weight, then summer is the best time for this. Why? Yes, because everything this season only favors the loss of excess weight. It's enough to just live according to the season...

Season favorable for weight loss

It is so intended by nature that all of us, regardless of our build and tendency to be overweight, gain weight in the winter and lose extra pounds in the summer. And all this happens, mind you, naturally. If, of course, we listen to the desires of our own body and do not go against them.

Let's analyze which summer factors favor weight loss. First of all, of course, these are the hot rays of the sun, which “heat fat”, increasing our sweating. The second most important factor is thirst, which pushes us to quench it. The third is a natural decrease in appetite due to heat, heat, and stuffiness. The abundance of greens, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries in the summer also helps to gain harmony without any strict diets.

Even in the summer, our physical activity naturally increases; we spend our leisure time in the fresh air more often, plus summer beach fun. And one more important factor is that the summer motivation to lose weight is much stronger, which is understandable: revealing clothes oblige you and a romantic mood “calls you into battle.”

Now let's talk about everything in order.

Transition to a summer lifestyle

There is such a thing as “long winter evenings”. This stable phrase evokes the image of a lazy, unhurried, comfortable pastime at home, visiting, or in a restaurant. With obligatory feasts and tea drinking, with abundant food, including all kinds of baked goods. Another option for a winter evening is lying on the sofa with a book or watching TV.

Summer evenings are a completely different concept. And although such a stable phrase does not exist, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of pastime is comfortable for our body in the summer. Air, water, sun, living nature around, pleasing to the eye, soul and body. Light, low-calorie food. Lots and lots of drinking. Less worries and hassle, more rest, preferably rest while moving. And such a pastime is ideal for losing weight.

So, reconsider your habits and plans for the summer. Say “No” to repairs, the usual bustle of everyday life, shopping, seclusion. Don't rush home in the evenings. Try to fill every evening with summer leisure. As a result, you will achieve 3 goals at once: you will be able to cope with the heat more easily, you will be able to satisfy the increased summer craving for relaxation, and you will definitely lose weight.

Drinks for summer

Everyone knows that you need to drink 2 liters of water every day. Exclusively water, except drinks and first courses. In summer, this norm increases to 3-4 liters. And in total with drinks it should reach 5 liters per day. The amount of fluid consumed is an important component in the program for getting rid of extra pounds: by drinking enough fluid, you fill the contents of the stomach with it, and thereby dull the feeling of hunger.

Make it a rule to always have a bottle of water with you. Better still. But if you don’t like non-carbonated water at all, drink carbonated water, just let the gases out of it first so that only the taste of carbonation remains in the water.

In order to get a total of 5 liters of liquid, the following summer drinks are recommended:

  1. water with lemon/orange. A slice of one of these citrus fruits is placed in a glass and ground with sugar, then filled with water. You can add ice cubes.

  2. green tea with ice. In summer it is better to drink green tea. And with ice. It removes thirst better and cleanses the body.

  3. fresh juices - according to your personal taste preferences.

  4. compotes – again, depending on which fruit you like.

Turn the mandatory fluid intake into a ritual - do it with pleasure and don’t be too lazy to add it to your drinks