Learning not to overeat. How to deal with the deceptive feeling of hunger?

Learning not to overeat. How to deal with the deceptive feeling of hunger?

To learn not to overeat, you need to eat when you want and be able to stop in time. Then you will not have problems with excess folds on your stomach. There are such lucky people who can afford to eat everything and not gain weight. The secret is that they only eat when they are hungry.

How to determine the feeling of hunger

The feeling of hunger from appetite is easy to distinguish: if you want to eat, then without thinking too much, you will immediately say “yes!”, but no, then the question arises, I will eat, but it depends. At a time when a person is truly hungry, he cannot think about anything else except borscht and cutlets, then it is difficult to concentrate on work or entertainment. Worries about headache, dizziness, stomach cramps, weakness in limbs, nausea. Irritability appears, anger disappears and the mood disappears. Being in this state, any food may seem not just tasty, but a real delight.

How to Avoid Overeating

To avoid overeating, try to pay attention to your behavior while eating and how you feel after. People often eat because they are bored or sad, or they feel sorry for throwing away what they didn’t finish, or they don’t want to offend someone who treated them, although they don’t feel hungry. Or maybe you're eating because it's just time for dinner? or wanted to chew in front of the TV?


  1. Eat only when you feel hungry. If you doubt that you are hungry, then you are not hungry and there is no need to eat an extra sandwich.

  2. After eating, remove the plate immediately so as not to add additives and eat too much. Because everything unnecessary will turn into extra folds on the stomach and hips.

  3. Don't finish your salad after guests because there is not enough space in the refrigerator.

  4. Don't automatically eat sweets that are just lying in front of your eyes.

  5. When you go to work or have an important meeting, be sure to eat so that hunger doesn’t take you by surprise and then you don’t pounce on food, eating two whole servings instead of one.

These tips seem simple, but in fact they will require some effort on your part.

Eat only when you are hungry. Let food not become a cult! Remember, we do not live to eat, but to live!