What to eat in the heat

The summer heat dictates its own conditions, including regarding nutrition. Most of the products that we all love and enjoy eating are classified as “perishable” in the summer, which is fraught with poisoning and other ailments. Our goal is not only to protect ourselves from danger, but also to get the maximum benefit from food! Read our material about what exactly to eat in the heat to feel good.

Summer is a great time to reconsider your eating habits. Evening tea parties with cookies and sweets are no longer so attractive, and the same can be said about hot, fatty dishes. The fact is that in summer the body spends less energy, so we don’t have a voracious appetite. And if so, then in the summer you need to reduce the calorie content of your diet, which will have a beneficial effect not only on your well-being, but also on your figure! So, here are some tips on how to eat healthy in the summer.

Shift your diet

In the summer, nutritionists strongly recommend shifting your meal times slightly. So, you need to have breakfast before 8 a.m., lunch before noon, and dinner before 6 p.m. Then you can have another light snack so you don’t go to bed feeling hungry. That is, you will eat at a cooler time of day. Of course, breakfast remains the largest meal of the day; there are no changes here.

Drink enough fluids

Absolutely everyone knows that you need to drink enough liquid. However, rarely does anyone follow the drinking regime. And in the summer, when it’s hot, you need to drink a lot, because not only toxins come out with sweat, but also vitamins and important microelements. To prevent dehydration, it is necessary to regularly replenish your water supply. Water is best, as well as herbal teas made from raspberries, currants, mint, horsetail, clover, lemon balm and other herbs. If you want to lose weight, add a spoonful of honey to this tea.

Don't miss fruit season

Fruits also contain a lot of water, so eat them as often as possible. They should be consumed in the morning. Fruits contain large quantities of simple carbohydrates and fiber, the energy from which the body will use throughout the day. Buy only fresh fruit and wash it thoroughly. Remember, in case of exacerbation of any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, fruits and berries cannot be eaten in their natural form, only boiled or baked.

Load up on vegetables

Fresh vegetable salad is the perfect summer dish. Just fill it not with mayonnaise, but with olive oil or low-fat dressings. The salad should be prepared only from fresh vegetables and eaten immediately. Nutritionists say that green and white vegetables have a cooling effect, so load up on cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, and herbs.

For a snack - kefir

Fermented milk products must be present in your diet, summer is no exception. The only rule is absolute freshness! Kefir, yogurt, yogurt, fermented baked milk, low-fat cottage cheese - all these products help digestion and saturate the body with moisture. As for ice cream, just try not to get carried away with it and don't think of it as a dessert that is served at the end of the meal. If you do eat, consider it a complete snack.

Forget the frying pan

Food fried in a lot of oil is not the best choice for hot days. Learn other cooking methods: steaming, baking, stewing. Your body will thank you! It is best to steam vegetables with their skins on; by the way, boil them too. Vegetables are stewed in their own juice and simmered in a very small amount of water over very low heat. Much more nutrients are retained than when cooked, which is also important. Even better, bake the vegetables in the oven. All this applies to fish and meat, the consumption of which should be slightly reduced. Another perfect summer dish is cold soup. It will fill you up, refresh you, and won’t add centimeters to your waist!

Expert opinion

Ekaterina Pavlova, nutritionist: