Why drink lemon water in the morning?

We are sure that you have definitely watched the TV series Sex and the City. Have you noticed that the main characters always ordered hot water with lemon before breakfast? I wonder why? Read our material!

To set your body up for a productive workday, it is very important to develop good morning habits. And it’s definitely not 2 cups of coffee and watching news on social networks. An excellent example of such habits is exercise, small breathing exercises and a glass of warm water with lemon.

From this seemingly simple ritual, both the brain and the digestive system wake up. And water with lemon has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

On the immune system
Lemons contain large amounts of vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C helps the body resist colds, and potassium stimulates brain activity, the nervous system, and also normalizes blood pressure.

For digestion
Warm water stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, and in particular peristalsis, waves of contractions of the muscles of the stomach and intestines that move food through them and remove waste products. In addition, lemons are rich in vitamins and minerals that help reduce toxin levels in the digestive system. After a glass of water with lemon, your stomach will happily accept both breakfast and a cup of coffee.

For water balance
A glass of water helps you start your day with the right amount of fluids, which prevents dehydration and combats adrenal fatigue. When the body lacks water, it cannot perform its functions properly. This leads to the accumulation of toxins, stress, constipation, etc.

On the kidneys
Lemon juice helps flush out toxins and other harmful substances from the body by increasing urine production in the body. And more effective removal of toxins helps maintain the health of the urinary system.

For acid-base balance
Despite the obvious acidity, lemons are an alkaline food. Citric acid, absorbed by our body, does not increase the acidity inside the body, therefore, when entering the body, lemons become alkaline.

For excess weight
Lemons are rich in pectin fiber, which reduces hunger. Research also shows that people who make their diet more alkaline lose weight faster.

On the skin
Vitamin C helps the body smooth out wrinkles and get rid of hyperpigmentation. In addition, warm water with lemon cleanses the blood of toxins, which in turn promotes good appearance of the skin.

Try starting your day with this drink on an empty stomach for a month, and you will notice positive changes not only in your well-being, but also in your appearance. And, as you know, healthy habits add vigor, energy and strength to us for new achievements!