A protein drink will fully replace several meals for a bodybuilder.

As you know, for success in bodybuilding, training alone is not enough. You also need good sleep, quality active and passive rest, additional means of recovery, such as massage, sauna, bathhouse and others, and, of course, good nutrition. Moreover, the speed of your progress in “iron sports” depends on nutrition, as well as on its completeness, redundancy and quality.

Sports medicine experts have long established that you need to eat every two hours, while many famous bodybuilding stars eat even at night, even several times. All this is necessary to achieve real, serious results. And it works...

But here’s the question: it turns out that an athlete needs at least 6, or even 8 meals a day. How to achieve this? Why go to the kitchen every two hours and cook? – Of course, there are options to make this whole process easier. Modern sports nutrition will help us, which is now available to anyone, both through online stores and in specialized supermarkets. In a couple of minutes we make a protein shake. All we need is a mixing bottle or a mixer. Dilute the protein powder with milk or juice, shake and Voila! – the protein shake is ready! A protein drink will fully replace several meals for a bodybuilder. That is, in the diet of an ordinary person there are typical meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Pair up this meal plan with a protein drink. It turns out something like:

  1. I) cocktail reception,
  2. II) breakfast,
  3. III) cocktail reception,
  4. IV) lunch,
  5. V) cocktail reception,
  6. VI) dinner

So much for seven meals a day! And it is not at all necessary for you or your wife to stand at the stove for days. Everything is as usual. In fact, periodic intake of protein drinks is added to the typical daily diet - that's all. Simple, how brilliant!

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