Double split in the training of weightlifters.

Now that the content and dynamics of the volume of the training load in each weekly cycle have been determined, you can proceed to planning each lesson.

On those days where the number of barbell lifts exceeds 100, it is advisable to conduct two classes - the so-called double split. You know this terminology from bodybuilding...

When two classes are held, then in the preparatory period up to about 200 lifts can be performed per day, and in the competitive period - up to 180 lifts. At the same time, in the morning it is planned to do an average of 10 more lifts in the preparatory period, and 15 more lifts in the competition period than in the evening.

In the preparatory period, the jerk is performed mainly in the morning; the number of other jerking exercises is approximately the same in the morning and evening. In the clean and jerk they plan twice as many lifts in the morning as in the evening; other pushing exercises are used more in the evening. In both snatch and jerk exercises, the greatest number of high-intensity lifts (70% or more) are performed in the morning.

When using a double split, during the competitive period, both in the snatch and in other snatch exercises, approximately twice as many lifts are planned in the morning than in the evening. The number of high-intensity lifts is distributed evenly in the morning and evening. Classic cleans, cleans and other cleans are also distributed approximately evenly; other cleans, as well as high-intensity barbell cleans in the clean and jerk exercise, are mostly performed in the morning.

In the preparatory month, in squats with a barbell on the shoulders and chest, they plan to do approximately 2 times more lifts in the evening (including a maximum weight of 100% or more) than in the morning. During the competitive period, the number of squats in the morning and evening is approximately the same, but in the evening they use slightly more maximum lifts. Athletes of light and medium weight categories perform other squats with a barbell (in both periods) mainly in the morning, light-heavy and heavy categories - in the morning and evening.

We also recommend periodically (at least once a week) going outside, using workout and GTO sites for training - pull-ups on the bar and push-ups on the uneven bars will perfectly dilute your daily training in the gym.

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