Ideal female legs. Exercises for the hips.

Some of the largest muscles in our body are thigh muscles. In order to pump them up, you need to put in a lot of effort due to some features - the fact is that the basic backbone when training the hips is squats with weights, but for a thorough, in-depth study a specific muscle in the general group will require a personal approach. Our website “Fitness - Bodybuilding” will help us in an in-depth study and correct understanding of this moment, women, get ready. This article is just for you...

So let's consider the entire thigh muscle group in detail:

1. Rectus muscle: Almost not involved when performing weighted squats or leg presses. Ordinary squats give her virtually no load. In this case, the most effective exercises will be such exercises as leg extensions combined with slight bends back, which stretches the upper thigh, and sissy squats, which also require slight bends of the body.

2. Posterior muscle: practically not involved in everyday body movements and does not receive a decent load during exercise. For some reason, scant attention is paid to its development. Although we should not forget that if the hamstring muscle is underdeveloped, the likelihood of injuring the knee joints increases. Don't underestimate the importance of this muscle. The hamstring muscle provides lateral stability to the knee joint and, in addition, the more it is trained, the greater the potential for development of the anterior muscle group. To include the posterior muscle in training, the most effective exercises are those that change the angle between the thigh and torso:

  1. All kinds of inclinations,
  2. Wide squats,
  3. Leg presses with the feet as wide as possible.

3. The greatest difficulties in training occur in inner thighs. Maximum benefits for this area can be achieved by visiting the gym and doing the following hip exercises:

  1. information of the hips in the machine,
  2. squats with weights, legs wide apart,
  3. squatting in the saddle,
  4. jerk pull.

4. For elaboration vastus medialis, it is necessary to focus on exercises that most directly straighten the knee, and these are mainly presses and extensions. Since the greatest load of the medial muscle comes when bending the knee at an angle of 10–15º, it makes no sense to be too zealous with extensions.

5. Thanks exclusively vastus lateralis muscle a toned thigh looks attractive from the outside. For the successful development of this particular muscle group, the following are best suited:

  1. sissy squats,
  2. straightening the legs on a special machine.
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