We pump up the abs and remove the belly.

I think any woman who has excess subcutaneous fat in the abdomen, buttocks and thighs dreams of getting rid of them. And if it’s somehow simpler with the butt and legs, then only a few manage to remove fat from the tummy. Well, our body is designed in such a way that it stores all this stuff for a rainy day...

Nevertheless, it is possible to somehow influence the situation. According to a popular women's online magazine: “Regular training of the abdominal muscles in combination with a properly formulated diet allows you to remove the hated folds to zero and even gain your six-pack.” Moreover, to face the truth, to achieve this goal it is not at all necessary to visit gyms and fitness centers, throwing away countless money on these trips. It’s quite possible to train your abs at home! So, let’s pump up our abs and lose belly fat right at home, without exercise equipment or special devices. What is needed for this? – yes, in fact, practically nothing except your great desire and 20 minutes of free time a day.

  1. Lie on your back, bend your knees slightly, but keep your feet flat on the floor. Raise your body from a horizontal position towards your knees. The movement perfectly pumps the upper and middle thirds of the press. Let's do 4 x 20.
  2. Lie on your back with your legs bent on a sofa or stool. We do a movement similar to the previous exercise, but we do not tear off the entire body at once, but first the head, then the shoulders, then the body, as if twisting into a spiral, just like a “Yo-yo” toy. The exercise removes the stomach over almost its entire surface. Let's do 3 x 15.

  3. Lie on your back, arms along your body, legs straight. Perform cyclic leg lifts from a horizontal position to a strictly vertical one. We pump up the lower abs and remove the lower third of fat from our belly. For those who don't have enough load, use additional weights. Complete 4 x 20.

Our next article will tell you: How to train your abdominal muscles in a gym or fitness center using special devices.

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