How to pump up the back of the thigh?

Often, beginning bodybuilders underestimate the importance of training the hamstrings, and later, when their quadriceps become quite massive, the side view of their legs when posing looks simply cartoonish.

Deadlift on straight legs.

To maintain aesthetic proportions, you need to clearly understand how to pump up the back of the thigh, and devote a sufficient amount of time and attention to this process.

Our posterior thighs are made up of the biceps, semimembranes and semitendinosus muscles. For their full development, a complex of several exercises is necessary:

  1. Deadlift on straight legs. Develops the hamstrings and allows you to pump up the gluteus maximus muscles. The exercise is serious and requires precise technical execution. In the starting position, stand close to the bar with your feet directly under the bar. Lean forward, keeping your back perfectly straight. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip with your hands on top. Take a deep breath, and exhaling sharply, begin to rise. Having straightened completely, finish exhaling. This breathing system will help you stabilize the correct body position when performing the exercise. Always keep your arms straight; they simply hold the weight and do not participate in lifting it. This movement can also be performed with dumbbells, and its effectiveness will only increase. You are forced to hold the barbell in front of you, the center of gravity shifts forward and causes tension in the joints of the back and shoulders. Dumbbells will help you avoid such inconveniences; the only thing you have to watch is the straight position of your back.

    Leg bending while lying down in a machine.

  2. Leg bends. There are 2 options for performing the exercise: standing and lying down. Standing curls are done alternately for each leg; they allow you to pump the back of the thigh at different angles and perfectly detail the muscles. The torso must be kept straight so that only the muscles of the legs work. To quickly gain muscle mass in the biceps muscle, simultaneous lying leg curls are very good. In the starting position, lie face down on the bench so that its edge is under your knees and the roller of the machine is on the back of your ankles. Holding the handles, inhale and, exhaling sharply, bend your legs. In the top position, the thigh-shin angle should be approximately 90 degrees. As you inhale, return to the starting position. Keep the speed of the exercise moderate, work with constant muscle tension and at full amplitude. Moving too slowly destabilizes the knee joints.

Incorporate these exercises into your leg routine once a week for 3-4 sets of 10-12 reps, and you'll soon be proud of your hamstrings.

Having worked out the quadriceps and biceps of your legs perfectly, do not forget that in order to fully harmonize your appearance, you also need to pump up the calf muscles, which are rightly called the “difficult muscle group,” but this is a completely different story, to which we will definitely devote a separate article... And not even just one...