My home cardio machine - Orbitrek

After the birth of our second child, my wife decided to get back to normal and asked me to buy some good cardio equipment for our home... That’s when I started thinking about what is best for home use. I will share my thoughts with you...

At first I thought about a treadmill. And what? The most popular simulator. Simulates running or walking. Plus you can change the slopes and speeds. All this is true. He is cool. But it is very bulky, takes up a lot of space, and for our square meters you can’t turn around with this bandura...

Second on my list was a bicycle ergometer. In contrast to a treadmill, a bicycle ergometer is small and compact, and will more than fit into almost any miniature apartment, even a Khrushchev apartment. However, after looking at the issue on a larger scale, I decided to abandon this option. Why? - you ask... Yes, all because, from the point of view of the physics of movements, the bicycle ergometer affects only the lower half of our body, without in any way involving the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle in the work... Which, you see, is not good...

The third candidate of my choice satisfied all my requests. This is an orbitrek. What are its pros and cons? Let's find out...

Well, first of all, compactness. Compared to a treadmill and a bicycle ergometer, the Orbitrek is a kind of golden mean. And not even the middle. The Orbitrek, in my opinion, is closer in weight and dimensions to a bicycle ergometer with all that it implies.

Secondly, this simulator emulates skiing, where in addition to the legs, the arms are also actively involved in the work, which in my case makes it a more profitable and rational purchase.

Thirdly, unlike the first two cardio machines, which have some contraindications, the orbitrek has practically none. For example, if you have a back injury, running may be contraindicated for you, but working on an elliptical machine will be available to you.

Finally, I’ll give you some good and important advice6: when choosing an orbitrek, the most important indicator is the weight of the trainee. So try to take it with a good supply. Especially if you are involved in bodybuilding, because as you know, it is bodybuilders who gain the most weight during their sports career. So don’t make a mistake, take one with a large weight right away, so as not to buy a new one later...

Be healthy and irresistible, and for this, work hard on yourself!

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