Don't forget about the mandatory cardio introduction!

I think many of you, our dear readers, have heard the term cardio introduction. True, not many people understand what it is. And even if they do understand, they have no idea at all about the significance of this phase of the training process. Let's dispel all the misunderstandings and shed light on the most important stage, without which your training will be fundamentally wrong, and maybe even dangerous to your health...

In fact, cardio introduction is a targeted preparation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of our body for the upcoming active strength work.

So you came to the gym and planned for today a bench press with a fairly impressive weight of the apparatus. What should you do first? – that’s right, warm up thoroughly, warm up and stretch the target muscles and joints – after all, without this, getting a sports injury is a piece of cake! But our heart and lungs also need such a warm-up and warm-up. Because if we immediately load them with super-heavy weights, they may cope with the task once, but with such a constant approach, you risk developing some kind of chronic disease - tachycardia, for example, or arterial hypertension.

God forbid of course.

To avoid all this, always conduct a smooth cardio session before each workout, which will be your guarantee of safety from these nasty ailments. For example, give your bicycle a good spin. Buying a good bicycle is not a problem these days, and if you don’t have one, use a bicycle ergometer - such a cardio machine can be found in any, even the most seedy gym... You can run on a treadmill, or jog to your fitness center - just combine business with pleasure . You can also tighten up the punching bag - you also kill two birds with one stone - after all, this is both an excellent aerobic exercise and high-quality development of a crushing blow, which, you see, will also not be superfluous in life...

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