Why weight doesn't come off with proper nutrition

You diet and exercise more than usual, but the weight does not come off if you eat right. Experts in the field of sports and nutrition science name six hidden reasons for standing still on the scale.

Here are six good reasons why your weight isn't changing and your diet isn't working.

  1. You ate too little
  2. You exercise too much
  3. You never eat your fill
  4. You don't know how much you eat
  5. Don't be fooled by the numbers on the scale

You ate too little

A typical diet program gives good results at first, but then suddenly nothing works anymore. This may be due to poor nutrition.

Dr. Christina Holzapfel, obesity researcher at the Technical University of Munich: “Crash diets or one-sided diets send an “emergency” signal to the body. It responds by switching to a fasting metabolism and reducing its caloric needs. It is in our nature to protect our weight. It's evolutionary."

In other words, why can't you lose weight with proper nutrition? You need less and less food to maintain your weight.

To lose more weight, you will have to cut your calorie intake further, which is not recommended as it will only feed the cycle. In this phase, physical exercise and low-calorie choices primarily help, but the amount of food (volume) should not decrease!

Additionally, it's important to first know what your basal metabolic rate—the energy intake your body needs to survive at complete rest—is so you can aim for a moderate calorie deficit in your diet.

You exercise too much

Endurance sports are good for your cardiovascular system and physical fitness. Unfortunately, this only helps to a limited extent when it comes to weight loss.

Because muscles help us increase our metabolic rate again.” The more muscle mass you have, the more energy your body uses when it is at rest, such as when you are lying, sitting or standing.

This means you can eat more without gaining weight. Let a personal trainer advise you on what strength training is right for you.

You never eat your fill

Good nutrition and weight loss, how do they go together? "Great!" - says Thomas Korompay. Only those who eat their fill for main meals can tolerate longer periods between meals. And this is important in order to avoid constant insulin injections, which, in turn, interfere with fat loss.

Often people stop eating too early to lose weight. As a result, they quickly become hungry again and consume more calories than they think.

Advice: If you are not losing weight with proper nutrition, try again listening to your body and its needs, following the principle of “Intuitive Eating.”

You are entitled to 21 meals per week. Enjoy them and really fill your plate. However, every cappuccino and apple in between also counts as food. You will have to refrain from doing this elsewhere later.

You don't know how much you eat

How big is a serving of oatmeal for morning porridge or a serving of pasta? Especially when it comes to side dishes, many people who want to lose weight pile large portions on their plates but feel like they barely ate anything. Inaccurate information in recipes opens the door to a little self-deception.

Additionally, tracking apps can also be helpful in the beginning so you can track and get an idea of ​​food and portion sizes.

A fairly high proportion of protein is also very important. Fitness trainers recommend at least 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight per day. Muscles cannot grow without protein, and post-workout regeneration does not work as well as we would like. Plus, your body already uses 25 percent of food energy when digesting protein.

Don't be fooled by the numbers on the scale

According to the fitness instructor, this is not always an objective indicator (with the exception of some weight classes in a particular sport).

Let's say your training goal is to lose weight from body fat. You diet, recover and exercise, but your weight almost never changes - perhaps because you've built a certain amount of muscle and therefore gain mobility. This does not mean that you have not lost weight, because if you eat right and exercise, the amount of fat in your body will still decrease, but the scales will not show this.

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