Use of food additives

If your exercise routine is wrong to begin with, then helping it with supplements will not work. If, with a combination of training, healthy natural nutrition and proper rest, you do not get the desired results, do not expect that the use of nutritional supplements will radically change everything. Most likely, you chose the wrong set of exercises, eat the wrong foods, or simply do not rest. It is necessary to find out the cause and then eliminate it. The result will not be long in coming - you will be able to “grow”, and after that, help yourself with nutritional supplements.

Today, purchasing sports nutrition cheaply is not difficult. In any locality there is a specialized store or even a chain of stores. There are also now plenty of their online analogues, ready to deliver the goods you purchased directly to the door of your home. In addition to the promised ultra-fast effect, all this, of course, once again pushes us to buy this kind of product...

This is true, but remember that you can achieve results without taking supplements, but by consuming only vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the lack of results is a technical error in the complex: exercise, nutrition and rest.

Using supplements is possible, but this must also be done consciously. For example, the best time for this action is the middle of the training cycle, the so-called intensive stage. During this period, your strength is at its limit, so you can help them artificially. Protein powders will help you, as well as 1-2 non-nutrient supplements (carotene). Naturally, all this must be of good quality. But don’t make taking supplements a habit—it should be short-term. As for vitamins E and C, as well as vitamin-mineral complexes, they do not need to be excluded from the diet throughout the year.

But again, if your diet is rich in fresh and unrefined foods, then there is no need for vitamins and minerals in capsules. And if your diet is unbalanced for some reason, then vitamin-mineral complexes will at least somehow support you.

So far, science has not come up with a harmless, universal, studied food additive available to everyone. But still, there is no need to lose hope. Perhaps humanity will cope with this task.

If your combination of training, rest and nutrition is reasonable, then the proper use of nutritional supplements will help accelerate muscle growth (but let's say again that you can do without them). Therefore, first of all, pay attention to this so as not to be disappointed with the result.

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