Front Squats

This squat is one of the most favorite exercises of the famous Arnold Schwarzenegger. It is focused on shaping the anterior thigh. The principle of execution is almost similar to “squats with a barbell on the shoulders.”

The starting position is occupied by one of the possible options:

  1. Raising the barbell to the chest from the floor - “weightlifting clean and jerk”,
  2. Remove the barbell from the racks with a wide grip away from you or a narrow grip towards you.

Front squat technique:

  1. Use the careful preparation and precautions we have detailed previously.
  2. Take the barbell to your chest
  3. Balance it out
  4. Feet should be shoulder-width apart or in the “heels together, toes apart” position.
  5. Inhaling as you lower, slowly squat down.
  6. Keep your back straight. Don't bend it.
  7. Continue downward until the top of your quadriceps is parallel to the floor. A deeper squat is not always beneficial and is not suitable for everyone.
  8. At the bottom point of the trajectory, stop for a couple of seconds.
  9. As you exhale, straighten your legs and return to the original vertical position.
  10. In order to get maximum results, it is recommended to do at least 8 repetitions per set.

It is important to understand that squats, in principle, are perhaps the most time-consuming exercise in bodybuilding and bodybuilding - the maximum possible number of different muscle groups are involved, plus enormous stress for the cardiovascular, circulatory, respiratory, and other systems of the body as a whole. Therefore, do not overdo it with the load. And be extremely careful - this time!

Well, and secondly, devote a sufficient amount of time to cardio exercises! After all, your heart, respiratory and circulatory systems also need training. And no less than your muscles! Remember the golden rule: if you shift your focus towards strength training at the expense of aerobic training, sooner or later you will “earn” some kind of chronic disease, and then your future bodybuilding can be put on hold. What to do to prevent this? – the answer is simple: regular and equally long-term cardio training. For example, buy yourself an inexpensive treadmill for your home, and introduce a good habit: run for at least 10 minutes every day. With the help of such a simple solution, you will protect yourself from very serious trouble, improve your health, strengthen your immune system, and without fear you will be able to further increase your strength in basic exercises, even with exorbitant weights.

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