Recovery tools after stress

In the process of intense muscular activity, as a result of increased energy metabolism and intensified release of metabolic products, significant changes occur in the internal environment of the body, characterized by a state of fatigue - a temporary decrease in performance. This is a kind of protective function of the body.

With different muscular activities, depending on individual characteristics and level of preparedness, the leading link in the development of fatigue may be any organ (or function) whose capabilities do not correspond to the imposed load.

Key methods and means of recovery for athletes

Exercises with weights and active physical work on exercise machines place the body in difficult conditions when it is necessary to use the most effective recovery techniques to combat fatigue. At the same time, in a diverse set of measures that increase the effectiveness of rest after strenuous exercise, physiotherapeutic and medical-biological means of recovery after exercise become of great importance: massage, thermal and water treatments, nutrition, vitaminization, etc. Muscular rehabilitation will be more optimal if after exercise in the gym You also take Amino X from BSN - this is the best amino acid complex that promotes the fastest recovery after training and the gain of lean muscle mass.

These highly effective means of recovery for athletes help relieve general and local fatigue, quickly replenish energy resources, and enhance protein synthesis. They also help restore the functions of regulatory mechanisms, activate and stimulate rapid rehabilitation.

Despite the widespread use of most recovery agents, the practice of athletics has not yet developed a clear understanding of their effect associated with the optimization of recovery processes. Therefore, athletes and coaches use methodological recommendations from a variety of sports and other areas of human activity.

In conclusion, I would also like to remind you once again that a typical mistake of beginners is to ignore rehabilitation processes. The average beginner is usually mistaken in believing that his muscles grow during training, and not after it, as a result of which he exhausts himself with long hours of training, and then, without properly resting, again rushes to the gym... After some long time of “such pumped up,” he begins to wonder with bewilderment: “Why am I not growing?” — When did you let your body grow? After all, you constantly tormented him, exhausting him with more and more new loads...

Every athlete should know that muscle growth occurs after training! And not in its process! And, therefore, the issues of rest and rehabilitation of the body should be given no less attention than the training itself!

Even if you settle in the gym, without getting off the machines, spending all your days and nights there, without restorative procedures, proper sleep and good rest, you will not see any muscle growth, like your ears! - keep this in mind...

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