Lean muscle mass - what is it?

In bodybuilding, fitness and other similar sports, there is such a thing as lean muscle mass. But many beginners, and even experienced athletes, simply do not know what this phrase means...

Lean muscle mass - what is it?

Let's try to understand the meaning of this term together. So, lean muscle mass - what is it? It is generally accepted that the human body consists of two interconnected quantities – fat and fat-free. These data are correlated with each other in percentage terms. Moreover, this ratio is not constant and depends on the physical condition of the person. The fat part, as a rule, includes all the fatty tissues of the human body, and bones, internal organs and muscles are classified as the lean form. Nowadays it is fashionable to have a toned, slender body, on which lean muscles stand out in relief. After all, this means that the person is physically healthy.

What advantages does such a figure give to its owner? A lot of them. For example, it promotes weight loss. After all, the greater the mentioned muscle volume, the faster a person’s metabolism. And the faster it passes, the more excess calories are burned and the less excess fat accumulates.

Lean muscle mass - what is it?

As a result, the condition of the human body improves greatly. How to gain lean muscle mass? Without a special diet this is almost impossible. It should include carbohydrates, proteins and fats. In percentage terms it should look something like this:

  1. carbohydrates – 70%;
  2. fats – 10-15%;
  3. the rest is proteins, but not more than 20%.

This diet is low-carb, so sometimes you have to increase the total number of calories to achieve your goal. In addition to diet, to create the desired shape, you need to perform a set of exercises, which should include weight training and aerobics. All exercises should be aimed at increasing overall muscle volume.